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Forum Posts

How can i have full 4g but absolutely no bandwidth

Hi all, noticed the last 2 days that iv got full  4g signal but no bandwidth, won't connect to the Internet at all which is strange as it worked really well until Saturday when I decided to port my number over which still hasn't been done and iv had ...

Resolved! 4g coverage

What is the 4g coverage like on smarty, and is it as good as the other oparators.  

Resolved! Group Plan Payment

Hi, I started a family plan and invited my 2 kids. My question is can I pay the 3 accounts in one payment. At present there is 3 seperate dates I have to pay. Any help would be fab.

MrSweeper by SMARTY Maverick
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Three Router

Can I use the Three mobile router with the Smarty data only SIM or any compatible router? Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated.Thanks

‏Request for Enhancement of Internet Signal Quality

Dear Smarty Team,I am writing to inform you about the persistent weak internet signal I have been experiencing, which appears notably weaker compared to other users of your services. I face considerable difficulties in loading most web pages and usin...

Can't call

Hi i activated my sim card but can't make a call and also can't pick up any calls from someone else 

Wifi calling - text issue.

I've been with Smarty a year now and have a recurring issue that comes up at leasr once a month. I use wifi calling exclusively at home, as I live in a remote rural area with zero mobile mast signal inside or outside. Wifi calls always work fine, the...

My number didn't transfer

I have just switched my sim card to Smarty. My old number that i was transferring, seems to have been replaced with a new number. Any help would be much appreciated.

Drummy66 by SMARTY Pioneer
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ZTE with Smarty SIM not connecting to internet

Hello.I've got a ZTE 5G MU5120 travel router which I want to use in our van. I bought a 2GB plan and everything was fine until Saturday night but on Sunday we'd used up this data allocation. So I've upgraded the plan, but, as that doesn't start till ...


Hi, I'm located at post code ll499ur and over the last 2 weeks my internet connection has been absolutely terrible,every 30secs sometimes less my connection keeps dropping off,I've checked the three website and they reckon there's no reported problem...

Trouble Sending messages

Trying to send a paid text to a radio station. Just get Trouble Sending every time?  I have an address on thinking it would sort the problem out.

Resolved! Newly NO reception

This last month reception has gone. I check the reception map and apparently all is well. It isn’t. I have no reception on smarty in the Nottinghamshire area. My Wife recently joined smarty and regrets it. My friends also on Smarty have the same issu...

Rw by SMARTY Maverick
  • 9 replies
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Unable to make calls

My husbands and both daughters phones are unable to make or receive calls.  They all have Smarty Sins but it shows the 3 network instead of Smarty.  Following advice from Smarty my husband put his SIM on my daughter's phone  and now her phone has rev...

AlisonOM by SMARTY Pioneer
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