What is happening with the reception at the moment! I have had trouble making and receiving calls… messages have taken an hour to go through! This has been happening for a couple of weeks now.!
At SMARTY, we're all about giving you the best value possible. We’re always on the lookout for ways to give you more for your money. We'd love to hear your thoughts on extra things you’d like to see in our plans. Perks, savings on other brands - we...
I have had 2 days where I cannot make or receive calls. Why have Smarty not contacted me to explain and offer compensation? I am now looking for a new provider this is not good enough.I have my own small business and I don’t know yet how much this ha...
A72 hour window to get access to an Expert when you have an URGENT security issue is ridiculous. You should have a system whereby hacking and/fraud can be reported speedily.
Hi. We have 2 samsungs and 1 iphone in the house and today we can't make or receive calls. Texts work (in and out). The mobile signal is very poor here so we always use wifi calling and until today, that has worked fine. I've tried the old reboot...
We are excited to announce the launch of our new community forum area - SMARTY Lab! Dedicated to Bug Reports and Ideation, this new space will provide a platform for SMARTY Community members to report any bugs or issues they encounter while using o...