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Visual Voicemail

SMARTY Teamster
SMARTY Teamster

Any plans for Visual Voicemail for SMARTY and any other networks that use the 3 network infrastructure?  Voicemail is quite 1990s in that it delivers a text with a just a phone number, so you have to dial voicemail in order to identify who the caller actually is? Most of the other networks in the UK now offer this feature (or hybrid notification by icon and caller info).  3 network in Hong Kong have visual voicemail, so why doesn’t the UK have this feature?


SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @Michael_T 

Thank you for being one of our first customers to join our community!

Sadly, at this stage, we do not have any plans to introduce Visual Voicemail, although if we choose to implement this in the future we will be sure to let you know!

Best wishes,


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SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @Michael_T 

Thank you for being one of our first customers to join our community!

Sadly, at this stage, we do not have any plans to introduce Visual Voicemail, although if we choose to implement this in the future we will be sure to let you know!

Best wishes,


Thank you for feeding back on this matter Louis.  I am disappointed to hear that you have no plans to introduce this, given the 3 infrastructure in other countries does have this feature, and many competing UK networks also have it.  I’ve seen many posts from people on 3 network (and MVNOs running on it) who are equally disappointed with the lower spec voicemail service on offer…so, perhaps something for future consideration to bring the standard up to other networks?

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Without this there is also no way to retrieve deleted voicemails, as unlike other providers there is not an option to listen to recently deleted when you dial voicemail.

This might not seem that important but trust me it becomes a lot more so when someone dies and there is no way to retrieve their last message. 

I’ve gone round and round with the terrible customer service about this as they keep telling me to check the visual voicemail, which isn’t even a service they offer. 

@SarahW  I do understand your disappointment in such circumstances.

However, it's not like Smarty ever advertised that this service was available, to be fair.

This may be a cost issue - I'm not sure. If it is, then it's important to realise that this company is pitched at customers who want a no-frills, no long contracts, reasonably priced service.

I have just moved to Smarty bringing my family’s plans across too. I  just assumed visual voicemail would be available as I have had it with every network provider for the last 10 years. If this isn’t introduced then I don’t think I’ll be staying very long, it’s not the innovative network it claims  to be and the chat only customer service is dire. 

@DaemonB_2706859 Not sure what any of us can advise here really. If that feature is important to you, then unfortunately I suppose you will need to move to a network that does offer it.

While I take your point, the fact is that for many of us it is not important and we are satisfied with the service provided t a very reasonable price without being locked into a long contract.

Sorry, thought this was the Smarty Lab forum for new smarty content ideas. Visual voicemail is something I suggest is reconsidered. 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Just moved over from O2 to Smarty and cant believe that Visual Voicemail is not being offered 😞 

Same. It's quite a big deal and I will be going back.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

After switching I am very dissappointed to discover that visual voicemail is not standard. I will be reconsidering my provider.


Just jumping on the bandwagon with this one. Visual voicemail isn't some new feature that's owned by one provider. Is there any update on this @LouisK? The whole calling a number from a text thing and actually having to listen to each voicemail is not great. 

PS. I know I can skip etc, but that's not the point.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I'm also disappointed and frustrated by this, it is genuinely enough of a deal breaker that I'm looking at alternative 30 day contract options.

Visual Voicemail becomes even more useful in the next major iOS release with a feature called Live Voicemail - you'll be able to screen voice mail calls and decide if you want to pick up, as it will do text-to-speech to type out what the person is saying! So useful for rejecting spam calls, or jumping on an important call that you didn't have the caller's number saved for.


@node  Much as I understand that you want this specific feature, I think that the vast majority of customers want a good value, down to earth service that they are not tied in to for a long contract period. If extra services are put on, I suspect that we will all end up paying for it.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Respectfully, that's an assumption on your part, both that the cost of implementing this would need to be passed onto customers, and that "the vast majority" of customers wouldn't want it. 🙂

Smarty have added features before without increasing costs for customers, such as WiFi Calling, 4G calling and free WiFi on the London Underground. I doubt many customers were clamoring for those either, but I'm sure those in poor signal areas now find them valuable.

If cost is a concern, they could offer it as an Add-On, although it is included at no extra cost on most other networks (including other 30 day contract providers) and will only become more valuable with the upcoming Live Voicemail feature.


@node  Please read what I said again. I'm not sure who will pay any associated costs if not the customer - will the shareholders gladly give up some profit?

I also didn't say that the vast majority would not want it - I said that they want a good value down to earth service that does not tie them in for a long period.

SMARTY Enquirer
SMARTY Enquirer

The shareholders are literally missing out on customers by not supporting features other providers support. 


@TedM  The 'bean counters' (accountants) will be looking at how many customers they would attract by having such a function and then will set that against the cost of introducing it.

If there ain't no profit, it ain't likely to happen. 

I wonder how many customers actually leave as a result of not having that function. I think the fact is that very many customers stay because they get a good value-for-money service, albeit without some of the frills.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

+1 I'd love this functionality 


@pjmw When this was discussed some months ago, the general impression was that it isn't due anytime soon.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

The lack of this feature is the only one that is making me consider leaving Smarty. Making it a £1/month add-on would be fine too. 

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

Have a look at “Hullomail” from the London based “Thumbtel”

Its good 

I was a long time free user of Hullomail then started paying when transcription was kind of new. Love the system but at £2.99 per month for 10 voicemails or £4.99 for unlimited it's not IMHO worth that much. The free tier showed you who called (integrated with my contacts) and you had a playable message already available on your phone. I'd pay £1 for that bit I don't want the premium transcription.

A £1 add-on from SMARTY would be very welcome option. No frills needed, just a list of messages and their phone number instead of having to phone in 'blind' and listen to the whole of a phone number that it will be nearly impossible to remember before getting to the message.

If this was 2001 again that would still be sub par.

@JeremyB_1719109  Smarty offer a basic 'no-frills' service at a reasonable price.

Currently, they are not supporting short-code or visual voicemail and this has been mentioned many times over the last two years and so it does not look like it is going to happen anytime soon.

Yeah, I understand that. Severap moderator comments have come back with the "we're low cost / no-frills / reasonable prices" and I was adding voice to the idea that would you charge me a little bit for that frill and I would pay you.

To Smarty's credit, the reason why the additional £3 or £5 for Hullomail seems expensive is because that is a fair chunk next to the £10 or so that I pay Smarty for my contract. When I used to pay EE £45 (including the phone) that seemed less significant.

If Smarty were to offer an add-on where I paid another £1 or so per month that would add significantly to profit for Smarty (assuming 20% margin at the moment) and I'd be a super happy customer.

Just saying. 😉

@JeremyB_1719109 It's a fair comment, but I would imagine that it adds a layer of complication to the accounts process. Currently it's just the plans on offer but it would double everything if you had  + or - visual voicemail add on .

As I don't work for them, admittedly it's just a guess but they do seem loathe to change anything on their original offering.

Was thinking it could be managed like any other add-on in the app. No need to change plans.

I can understand their take it or leave it business model though. It's great value, simple... just a bit "driving my company car with Nokia 6110 in 2001" era - and the Orange VM menus were better too.

@JeremyB_1719109 ...but then not everyone uses the app that much. I find it a bit 'clunky' and prefer everything via the website.

We 'poor old dears' like everything big and clear in front of us, not like these youngsters stuck to their phones all the time! 😜

I get that - I am not a big fan of the app either.

Add-ons can be added from the web dashboard too...


As Smarty uses the same voicemail system as their parent network Three, and Three is the one 'proper' (i.e. not virtual) UK network that doesn't have Visual Voicemail, I suspect Smarty couldn't offer it for an additional fee even if they wanted to.

But if they could, why would anyone pay for a big name network if that network's budget offering offered all of the bells and whistles? The only UK big name network that I'm aware of offering VV on its budget brand is Vodafone on Voxi.

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

Is this like a feature only on iOS or is it on Android as well? I've only seen a lot of hype for this from iOS users though .. I don't think my Android supports a live voicemail feature like this 🤔

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

Hi @jassingh 

Visual Voicemail has been available since Android 6 Marshmallow, but is not widely available, nor known about for some reason. 

‘Thumbtel”, a London based company, offer a paid app called “HulloMail” available for both Android and iOS, which is a very capable replacement for iOS Visual Voicemail. 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

So when iOS 17 launched my Voicemail went from "call your voicemail" to a visual voicemail instead. I was pretty happy with this as it's so much easier to see your messages and call logs in a list, playable on demand. 

Some weeks later though, it's reverted and i now have to call my voicemail to retrieve messages... 

I can still play some visual voicemails I received post iOS17 installation though, these are still viewable and playable. But any new voicemail now doesn't show, and i have to call up to hear it. 


Anyone know why this is?

Late reply, I know, but this will be because you switched from a network that supported Apple's Visual Voicemail feature to one that didn't.


Another vote from me for Visual Voicemail.  I just assumed that in 2023 it would be standard to support it.

And yes, if I find a competitive offer that offers it then I’d switch. 

@Richard_2395043 You must accept that, for many customers, this is not a deal-breaker.

A lot of us are more interested in a good value-for-money network that allows us to call, send messages and use some internet. 

It's a case of "gorses for courses" and I do understand that there are some who have different priorities.


Apologies - should be "horses for courses" - unable to edit for some reason.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

I would greatly appreciate visual voicemail, that's a vote from me too.

SMARTY Enquirer
SMARTY Enquirer

I'll add my vote for Visual Voicemail too - it cannot be hard to implement if the 3 network has it in place generally. Happy to pay extra for it if needed too - it is a very handy function!

Three doesn’t have visual voicemail, and if they haven’t implemented it after all these years, they never will.