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Forum Posts

[Open Discussion] Share your tips and hacks to extend battery life

  We’d love to know your top tips to extend the battery life of your phone, whether it’s tweaking the settings or optimising charging. Please comment below and help each other boost your batteries, as no one likes an unreliable phone! 

YulianK by SMARTY Community Manager
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[Open Discussion] Console Wars: Xbox vs PlayStation

So the big question is – Xbox or PlayStation and WHY?   There is a lot to consider when choosing the right console, the value for money, the exclusive games, the graphics, the performance, GamePass/PS Plus and even the apps available on both console...

JodieC by SMARTY Moderator
  • 17 replies
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In porting

Hello, I was informed my phone would be sorted by the end of yesterday. I am still unable to receive some calls, the most important being my calls from my mental health provider. I have joined the dashboard and can see I am not alone. I will be takin...

[Open Discussion] What are some mobile apps you can't live without?

I'm new to the forums and thought I'd start my own open discussion to get a feel for the atmosphere here, huge fan of forums so here goes!What are some mobile apps you can't live without?I persinally daily drive Android, so my list might not all appl...

LKD70 by SMARTY Maverick
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[Open Discussion] iPhone vs Android: Which do you use and why?

It’s the biggest question of the 21st century... Which do you prefer, Android or iPhone?  I’m NOT trying to insight all out warfare. I'm just interested in what everyone thinks. I’m team iPhone all the way. Why, you ask?  I use a MacBook  Even if I a...

George by SMARTY Moderator
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[Photography] Share your photos!

One of my favourite hobbies is taking pictures and I’m a big fan of film cameras but it can become an expensive hobby having to develop each roll of film and the process can seem a little archaic nowadays when the phone we carry around in our pocket...

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Tascha by SMARTY Moderator
  • 13 replies
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[SMARTY Summary] Community - April 2022

Hello SMARTY Community, We launched our community in December 2022, and in the past 5 months we have seen it grow dramatically. With this in mind, we’ve decided to introduce a regular summary that would give the community some insight into forum fea...

YulianK by SMARTY Community Manager
  • 7 replies
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[SMARTY Summary] Community Update #2

Hello SMARTY Community, In the second issue of our SMARTY Summary, we will take a look at the new Community Activity component in our landing page. The most notable change is a new tab menu. We have added quite a few options, however, only 3 will be ...

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YulianK by SMARTY Community Manager
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Record Store Day 2023

Hi Everyone! This coming Saturday is Record Store Day 2023. This is the one day of the year when over 260 independent record shops all across the UK come together to celebrate their unique culture. Special vinyl releases are made exclusively for the ...

George by SMARTY Moderator
  • 8 replies
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[Open Discussion] Do you use an eReader? Why or why not?

As today is World Book Day, I thought it would be interesting to hear people’s stance on eReaders.  A little while ago I decided I wanted to do more reading. I had a few books in mind that I wanted to read, although getting all of them was looking li...

Tascha by SMARTY Moderator
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