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See it, but don’t say it if you’re on Smarty

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

Hey all,

had a pretty scary incident today on the tube (but above ground). Wasn’t appropriate to call 999 as I didn’t want to alert the other person. And remembered “See it, say it, we’ll sort it. Text 61016”. 
So I did exactly that. Unfortunately I got message sending failed. I couldn’t report this online as the BTP form was too cumbersome for a mobile. So I ended up being followed by someone until I could reach safety. 
This really isn’t on, I’d understand if it was a premium shortcode but it’s a national police service I was trying to contact. 
Please make your subscribers aware that this doesn’t work proactively! It really was relief when I remembered the number and fear when it didn’t work!


SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator


Welcome to the Smarty Community Forum. We are mostly customers, just like you.


SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator


We, as customers, have little we can do to change things directly.

I can appreciate that your situation wasn't the nicest to experience. Hopefully Smarty will be able to change the use of shortcodes for us, but we don't have a time frame for that at present.

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

Turns out this is a common thing (and not just limited to Smarty) in that '61016' is deemed a premium rate number. It's not the BTP that sets this rate but the mobile networks (something around ~13p or so; similar to a standard text). I guess its because although 101 is the non-emergency number, the 6's are commonly used for texts.

The BTP also don't advertise it as having a charge, because it shouldn't ... but on the other hand they could have chosen to use a number that was free? Down to the networks if they should be waiving fees for this and make it accessible. I did note the BTP site does mention the following as an alternative if you can't reach them via text:

However, you can email us at or call us on 0800 40 50 40 if you do not want to text us.


@RoCoUK  You do make a very good point. This issue has been discussed a fair bit recently as a number of organisations, utilities etc use the short code system.

I would raise it as a complaint in order to add to the pressure.

SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

This is really pretty poor customer service from SMARTY @RoCoUK

Considering SMARTY allow use of these short-codes: 65075, 75075 and 85075 - hard to see why an SMS to 61016 would need to be blocked. 

Perhaps make a complaint, to add weight to the community voice on short-codes, as @MSF suggests.

#LessSMARTY, #MoreMalarkey 🤔