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[Announcement] BIG NEWS: You can now text shortcodes! ๐ŸŽ‰

SMARTY Community Manager SMARTY Community Manager
SMARTY Community Manager



Yes, we heard you loud and clearโ€”itโ€™s been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over...SMARTY now supports shortcode messaging. 

So, whatโ€™s the big deal with shortcodes?  

Theyโ€™re those snappy little numbers (3-6 digits, usually five) that let you: 

โœ”๏ธ Enter epic competitions  
โœ”๏ธ Vote for your favourite reality TV stars  
โœ”๏ธ Confirm important appointments  
โœ”๏ธ Donate to causes that matter  
...and much more. 

Heads up! Chargeable shortcodes arenโ€™t included in your plan, so youโ€™ll need an out-of-plan add-on to text them. 

If your shortcode is free, such as to confirm a doctorโ€™s appointment, text away.    

Not sure how much a chargeable shortcode costs? No worries! Weโ€™ve built a super-handy shortcode checker so you can see the details upfront. 

For all the nitty-gritty, check out our help article 

And as always, thanks for keeping us on our toes with your awesome feedbackโ€”weโ€™re here to make your life easier. 

Now go forth and text wisely! 

473 REPLIES 473


Got a notification on app saying shortcodes now send. Great move albeit late which will improve competition with voxi , just needs visual voicemail now 

@Riley_3191091  Information also available on main website: 


I texted SMS to 60154 (premium number with ยฃ2+SNC), it shows "message couldn't be delivered". I just moved to SMARTY andmived my number across.

Do you know where I can change settings  on Samsung phone to enable sending messages to premium numbers? (like those lottery text message on radio stations). 

SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @Sol_26 

Thank you for reaching out to our SMARTY community! 

SMARTY do not support shortcodes at the moment, this means you will not be able to send messages to premium numbers. This is something we are discussing with the wider team. Once we have more information, we will share it with our customers accordingly.


Any update on this?

@LalitaD_1801617  The situation is unchanged and smarty still don't support short code sms.

I receive these types of messages from Barclaycard from time to time - fraud alert stuff - How do I reply to them?

@DavidTa_2128213  Unfortunately, you cannot reply on Smarty.

Do they offer an email alternative?

Not just premium shortcodes . My hospital wanted feedback and has a short code . Message not delivered . Very disappointed 

@EamonnMor_65246  It is short codes in general that are not supported. There are only one or two exceptions for PAC/STAC

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Can I enter competitions with 5digit texts

No, unfortunately Smarty don't currently support SMS shortcodes.

Got to be careful of short codes the tv ones they charge you but make sure text back stop or no to another 5 digit short code or you will be charged all the time they send you messages and take your credit 

@PaulAtk_3043787 Not a problem with Smarty - they do not allow short codes generally: 

Alas, not currently @AlanCla2686242

SMARTY only support a limited number of shortcodes, e.g. 65075, 75075, 85075.  

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

Hey all,

had a pretty scary incident today on the tube (but above ground). Wasnโ€™t appropriate to call 999 as I didnโ€™t want to alert the other person. And remembered โ€œSee it, say it, weโ€™ll sort it. Text 61016โ€. 
So I did exactly that. Unfortunately I got message sending failed. I couldnโ€™t report this online as the BTP form was too cumbersome for a mobile. So I ended up being followed by someone until I could reach safety. 
This really isnโ€™t on, Iโ€™d understand if it was a premium shortcode but itโ€™s a national police service I was trying to contact. 
Please make your subscribers aware that this doesnโ€™t work proactively! It really was relief when I remembered the number and fear when it didnโ€™t work!


Welcome to the Smarty Community Forum. We are mostly customers, just like you.



We, as customers, have little we can do to change things directly.

I can appreciate that your situation wasn't the nicest to experience. Hopefully Smarty will be able to change the use of shortcodes for us, but we don't have a time frame for that at present.

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

Turns out this is a common thing (and not just limited to Smarty) in that '61016' is deemed a premium rate number. It's not the BTP that sets this rate but the mobile networks (something around ~13p or so; similar to a standard text). I guess its because although 101 is the non-emergency number, the 6's are commonly used for texts.

The BTP also don't advertise it as having a charge, because it shouldn't ... but on the other hand they could have chosen to use a number that was free? Down to the networks if they should be waiving fees for this and make it accessible. I did note the BTP site does mention the following as an alternative if you can't reach them via text:

However, you can email us at or call us on 0800 40 50 40 if you do not want to text us.

@RoCoUK  You do make a very good point. This issue has been discussed a fair bit recently as a number of organisations, utilities etc use the short code system.

I would raise it as a complaint in order to add to the pressure.

SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

This is really pretty poor customer service from SMARTY @RoCoUK

Considering SMARTY allow use of these short-codes: 65075, 75075 and 85075 - hard to see why an SMS to 61016 would need to be blocked. 

Perhaps make a complaint, to add weight to the community voice on short-codes, as @MSF suggests.

#LessSMARTY, #MoreMalarkey ๐Ÿค”

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

Why canโ€™t I text a local radio station competition, I bought a ยฃ5 add on thinking this would work, but still it will not send. 

Smarty dors not support sending texts to shortcodes, usually 5 or 6 digit numbers. 

This is a topic that has been raised numerous times on this community forum, where nome of us work for Smarty, we are customers just like you.

@Beverle_2268061 That's because Smarty currently do not support messages to short code numbers. You can only send a message to a full mobile number.

Well thatโ€™s a bit rubbish. 

@Beverle_2268061  Well, you asked for a solution and not a comment  - that's what you got!

A simple "thanks" may have been in order here for when another member/volunteer helps you.

What I meant by โ€ Thatโ€™s a bit rubbishโ€ was that itโ€™s a bit rubbish that you canโ€™t text short text codes, not your reply. THANK YOU 


SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Chargeable texts

Probably not until they join the SCMG (Shortcode Management Group), @Catheri_1753712

Shortcodes are managed by the SCMG on a commercial basis - unless SMARTY enter into various commercial agreements, it's unlikely to happen. 

@Catheri_1753712 As we do not work for Smarty, it is impossible for us to say.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Still no progress from Smarty as to removing the premium rate restriction on text messages. This affects so many people, so I can't understand why Smarty is dragging their heels. They keep promising that its coming soon. When?

SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

It appears this feature / service is a case of #LessSMARTY, #MoreMalarkey, @Mikejo.

I have just been reading and adding to previous threads on this subject.

I'm amazed that Smarty are happy to lose custom over not finding a way to quickly provide this feature.

I will sadly opt out next month as there is nothing SMART about trying to communicate without it

@LynneGr_2137925  As replies on the other threads indicate, only if they lose significant business will senior management decide to speed up adopting it.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

28th of July 2024 still no change.

@Buckbam There will probably be announcement in large font on the web site when...and if.. they decide to adopt the system.


Having recently moved from 3 Mobile to Smarty, I am now finding that i can't reply to short code text messages.  This morning, I had to reply "Y" to my bank to authorise a payment - I found out that Smarty does not allow this.  What a complete waste of time this company is!  I have read similar posts and a statement from Smarty relating to this where they state that at the moment, Smarty does not provide this service.  I am not bothered about competition entries BUT i am bothered about not being able to reply "Y" to my bank.

I would suggest that anyone who may need this facility looks elsewhere for a mobile provider as Smarty do not appear to be doing anything about it.

@AndrewA_2529326  As per your other post.

Perhaps, short-code numbers was something dreamed-up by the mobile network operators as a new revenue stream, which might explain why they've got an industry forum and working group for short-code numbers.

See online

Maybe UK banks should be considering alternatives to SMS as a channel for conversations with their customers.

@Chalkychap Of course, not all UK banks/card companies use that system. Santander, MBNA are just two examples and we get NHS reminders here without problem.