I have credit, but still can’t send short code sms. SMARTY say we can, but have no interest in helping resolve the issues that are still there. Yes, I have something to gripe about, but it’s still SMARTY being unable to provide a fairly basic text fu...
Actually, they don’t. They say they do, but only if you take responsibility for activating it. I have a “failed” to send text message and when I contacted SMARTY, they suggest a factory reset of my network settings - to see if that works (!?!). I’m u...
I have had an out of plan add on sat doing nothing for 18 months. SMARTY support recommends resetting my phone’s network settings - placing the onus for activating the facility on the customer!
It’s even worse than you think. I have had an out of plan add on sitting there, unable to be used, for 18 months. I get the notification that I can now use short codes, but I can’t, not unless I’m willing to reset my network settings on my phone! Wel...
So….the app has had an update and, after logging back in, amazingly, there was a message saying that I can now use short code texting. Yay? Only, I have tried, and still not sending them!