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the worst Customer service agent I have ever come across.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I contacted support yesterday, and had an agent that was excellent, fast efficient and resolved the issue.

It recurred today, and I have had the worst experience ever.

First Dhar**** ignores the chat for what was forever responding, then when asking appologies, but then again waiting ages for any response, and not actiually reading the messages, that had been clearly placed in front of them, the same as yesterday with a super fast resolution.

Once I realised how bad they were I asked them to close the ticket so I could get a new chat and an agent to resolve a basic query, to which then they REFUSE and just keep trying to message, making me angry.

This agent needs help in understanding the systems, customers and basics of reading a support chat, asking several times to close the chat and them refusing, results in this post and a totally disgusted customer, to the fact an agent rather than close the ticket refused, and means I am still stuck with a basic query, because they dont want to accept a bad mark !!! disgusting customer servie level, and seriously bad practice by Agent and supervisor allowing it to happen.

SORT YOUR AGENTS OUT PLEASE !!! and I am still now HELD TO RANSOME because they wont close the ticket.


SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer


why have you even commented on this post ? its a complaint post, not asking for help ?

You asked:😠 If its such a "basic query" did you even need customer support, could you not have had the foresight to google an answer ? 

-‌‌ANSWER🤔: Due to google doesn't give you higher privileges.

😠If its such a "basic query" could you not have asked it in this community support forum ?

-‌‌ANSWER🤔; I knew what the solution was already, Do you have platform raised privileges ? its the first I've been told about it, if you do. The post was the consequences of the agent refusing to allow me to seek assistance.

YOU STATED😠: If you had taken a step back, thought about the issue, it would probably have been resolved by now, and you wouldnt be "held to ransom"

‌‌ANSWER🤔: If you took a step back and read the post, you would release it wasn't asking for help, it was a method of complaint. I had already waited 35 minutes for what takes 3 minutes to implement, and you would expect someone to wait even further, when closing a ticket takes a minute, starting another takes 1, and then solution takes 3, glad your not leading the support team. But shows like the agent you fail to read correctly before you post.

😠You Stated: Just try to treat people as you yourself would wish to be treated. The world would be a better place.

ANSWER🤔: ‌‌ Who are you addressing with such a critical tone? I've noticed that you typically add comments rather than answer questions, which seems unhelpful and akin to trolling. It's especially frustrating when you lack understanding or anything beneficial to contribute. As for treating others the same, I would suggest admitting if I don't know the answer and offering to redirect them to another source of assistance. I wouldn't hinder them from seeking further help just for my own benefit. So, I kindly suggest finding another post to satisfy your need for justification  💩👦

View solution in original post



Hello @ROAR_Y . I do feel that you are being rather harsh.

The agents are probably required to deal with a number of chats simultaneously and that would explain why they cannot answer you instantaneously. This is the case with many firms that use chat agents - whether in the Uk or abroad.

They are not going to close a ticket unless you say that you are happy with the result - that looks bad for their personal results and probably leads to them being fired.

I do fully understand how frustrating it can be - I have certainly been on the receiving end with a number of companies. However, these people are probably working ridiculous hours for a poor salary and really need the job so we need to perhaps factor that in.

That said, there are some companies who seem to be moving customer services back to the UK. I think that although it is dearer, they probably find that this is offset by queries being dealt with more quickly due to a clearer understanding of language, tone etc. 

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

Wow !

A little over the top there !

@MSF is spot on 

If its such a "basic query" did you even need customer support, could you not have had the foresight to google an answer ?

If its such a "basic query" could you not have asked it in this community support forum ?

If you had taken a step back, thought about the issue, it would probably have been resolved by now, and you wouldnt be "held to ransom"

Just try to treat people as you yourself would wish to be treated. The world would be a better place.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer


why have you even commented on this post ? its a complaint post, not asking for help ?

You asked:😠 If its such a "basic query" did you even need customer support, could you not have had the foresight to google an answer ? 

-‌‌ANSWER🤔: Due to google doesn't give you higher privileges.

😠If its such a "basic query" could you not have asked it in this community support forum ?

-‌‌ANSWER🤔; I knew what the solution was already, Do you have platform raised privileges ? its the first I've been told about it, if you do. The post was the consequences of the agent refusing to allow me to seek assistance.

YOU STATED😠: If you had taken a step back, thought about the issue, it would probably have been resolved by now, and you wouldnt be "held to ransom"

‌‌ANSWER🤔: If you took a step back and read the post, you would release it wasn't asking for help, it was a method of complaint. I had already waited 35 minutes for what takes 3 minutes to implement, and you would expect someone to wait even further, when closing a ticket takes a minute, starting another takes 1, and then solution takes 3, glad your not leading the support team. But shows like the agent you fail to read correctly before you post.

😠You Stated: Just try to treat people as you yourself would wish to be treated. The world would be a better place.

ANSWER🤔: ‌‌ Who are you addressing with such a critical tone? I've noticed that you typically add comments rather than answer questions, which seems unhelpful and akin to trolling. It's especially frustrating when you lack understanding or anything beneficial to contribute. As for treating others the same, I would suggest admitting if I don't know the answer and offering to redirect them to another source of assistance. I wouldn't hinder them from seeking further help just for my own benefit. So, I kindly suggest finding another post to satisfy your need for justification  💩👦

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

You have proved my point !

You clearly shoot from the hip, not even realising this is the community forum, populated by your fellow Smarty customers !

What you should have done is raise a complaint to Smarty staff directly ! What on earth is the point in complaining to other customers ?!

If you dont want people to reply to comments you post on a public forum, you should not post at all 🙄

All you have to say, is, thankyou for your help ill end this chat x. That's it then don't reply back just give them feedback.

No I completely agree with the poster, my experience with their customer service is absolutely atrocious and they consistently refuse to close the conversation meaning I have to wait for that specific agent to come back online and manage the chat.

Clearly the people handling the messaging service are far more concerned about their targets than they are about handling genuine issues.

In my latest interaction where I wanted to raise a complaint, they said they'd put a manager through (After coming to the resolution that there's nothing they're able/willing to do.). The manager comes through and hasn't even read any of the conversation and proceeds to pick up a query from days ago.

After sending messages through to explain the situation the manager Faiz has decided he doesn't need to deal with my chat and definitely doesn't need to close the conversation to let me get help in the future when I need it.

If I continue to have problems I'll have to leave as when talking to customer service I have had multiple agents repeat to me exactly what I've told them multiple times.

One agent decided to try and be rude to me which I had to correct them for and then they asked me to clear the conversation? Looks like that agent wants to hide their awful demeanour.


If there are vulnerable people trying to get help I fear they will end up being convinced there is no help available and the issues are their own fault.

@User_2590719  If you would like to raise a complaint, please see this article:

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer



@JamesLan_233394  So, where exactly is Crap St.? Can you give a postcode or else What3word reference?

To be fair, some of the customers are crap at written communication, which probably makes it harder for the customer service agents to understand them and assist them...

@SmartyTrousers  You may think that, but I couldn't POSSIBLY comment!