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[Announcement] BIG NEWS: You can now text shortcodes! ๐ŸŽ‰

SMARTY Community Manager SMARTY Community Manager
SMARTY Community Manager



Yes, we heard you loud and clearโ€”itโ€™s been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over...SMARTY now supports shortcode messaging. 

So, whatโ€™s the big deal with shortcodes?  

Theyโ€™re those snappy little numbers (3-6 digits, usually five) that let you: 

โœ”๏ธ Enter epic competitions  
โœ”๏ธ Vote for your favourite reality TV stars  
โœ”๏ธ Confirm important appointments  
โœ”๏ธ Donate to causes that matter  
...and much more. 

Heads up! Chargeable shortcodes arenโ€™t included in your plan, so youโ€™ll need an out-of-plan add-on to text them. 

If your shortcode is free, such as to confirm a doctorโ€™s appointment, text away.    

Not sure how much a chargeable shortcode costs? No worries! Weโ€™ve built a super-handy shortcode checker so you can see the details upfront. 

For all the nitty-gritty, check out our help article 

And as always, thanks for keeping us on our toes with your awesome feedbackโ€”weโ€™re here to make your life easier. 

Now go forth and text wisely! 

477 REPLIES 477

@SmartyTrousers @With respect, customers are more concerned (and have complained more vociferously) about exactly that!

I know - the point I was making was that receiving a message from a short code, as @JJP2 had, has always been possible on Smarty, and was not necessarily just due to the fact that he or she was roaming.

@SmartyTrousers  Receiving, yes but sending, no.

Just to add to this old thread...

I've just had a text from Barclaycard (from a 5 digit short code) for a security check asking me to reply with 'Y' if I recognised the last 3 transactions. I hadn't realised it wouldn't send and the transaction was then declined. Bit annoying.

@ChrisM  Unfortunately, this seems to be a recurring theme with certain organisations that use short code.

Yep, this has happened to me too. I have a virgin credit card and it's now declining all my transactions because I can't reply to the security text confirming that the transaction is valid.

Virgin doesn't seem to have an alternative, and neither does Smarty, so one of them is going.

I get that there are costs with short code messages but my phone already warns me of that automatically. I'm not a child, I expect my phone company to allow me to send a text message if I want to. I will be leaving Smarty as soon as possible. I'm currently stuck overseas without my preferred credit card available.

Ironic twist, the credit card I use to pay for Smarty requires these short codes. It is now declining all transactions until I reply to the short code, so Smarty's own policy means Smarty cannot be paid.

This needs to be changed, it's ridiculous.

@Harry_2659500 This point has been raised frequently over a long period but for whatever reason, Smarty have not actioned it yet.

A mass exodus of customers will be the only thing that sorts this. It appears to have been a complaint for well over TWO YEARS, and as Three have no short code restrictions, there should be NO REASON for it not to operate here. It's ridiculous. 

@MichaelF_725915  The point is that there has not been a mass exodus of customers. This would indicate that there are very many such customers for whom short code texts are not an issue.

To be fair, you don't actually know that there is no reason for Smarty not to have the function. They don't have the same functionality after the 3G turn off either.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I tried to send a message last night to 70702 to donate to red nose and it wouldn't go through. Whenever I text to a number it says not sent. Any idea why?


Hi @FrankSmi_155442 ๐Ÿ‘‹
SMARTY doesn't support short codes ๐Ÿ‘Ž so that is the reason it didn't work. This is the same for all short codes not just donations, competitions etc! Unfortunately SMARTY DO NOT make this clear when advertising their services and is probably one of the reasons why they are so cheap ๐Ÿค”
"Apparently" SMARTY are  looking into supporting them (and have been for many years now ๐Ÿ™„) but I wouldn't hold your breath expecting this to change anytime in the near future i.e. this decade ๐Ÿ˜‚
If you had done a search, on this page, for 'short codes' then you would see the many, MANY posts SMARTY customers have started with regards to this ๐Ÿ˜ค
If you want/need to use short codes then I would recommend moving to a different provider. I'm sure many SMARTY customers will do this in the near future now SC are more commonly being used by many companies, services etc as their 'normal' way of communicating.
Hope this helps ๐Ÿ˜

Thank you so much for your helpful reply. 


If Smarty don't implement short code use soon I shall switch to giffgaff.   I think I can afford the extra quid.  Anyone coming?


You can't send "STOP" to 85004 @BillyDick_86143 - SMARTY do NOT currently support use of short-codes on their mobile network.

Does this mean we can't report spam to 7726 (OFCOM)

Have you tried using 7726 on SMARTY @Defiant1337

SMARTY allow use of the following OFCOM mandated short-codes:

  • 65075 (to request a PAC)
  • 75075 (to request a STAC) 
  • 85075 (for INFO on your contract status, i.e. when the minimum-term finishes)

I'd guess you can use 7726 to report SPAM.  

7726 doesn't look like it works, but 37726 does (replies asking for caller's number)

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Think I may go back to sim only contract as I'm trying to reply to the NHS texts and Smarty cannot even do that as a basic feature of any other service. 

Shocking something so basic not available and been with them now for near 3 years. Hey ho, I got texts to send.

Good luck anyone searching the forums as Smarty say "Oh yeah we will let you know when we will be able to"... Well they have been saying that for a few years on the forums.......

@Bainesey  This has been an ongoing issue for over two years now and is well documented in many threads.

I think the only thing for people who really do need short code texts is to move to one of the networks that do support that system. Smarty don't show signs of doing that at the minute.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Hi Has there been any resolution to sending messages to short numbers I recently joined Smarty and despite adding ยฃ10 credit I cannot send a text to enter competitions ? Have I just wasted ยฃ10 ? I read that someone is unable to access some NHS facilities due to this This is very worrying I paid to leave my previous contract with 3 to join Smarty I think now this may not have been my smartest move

Hey ANGELAS_2029248,

It is something that we are looking into but it is not currently a feature. If you have added ยฃ10 as credit it can be put towards your next belling.

Hello @ANGELAS_2029248 While Smarty is not yet supporting short code texts, don't forget that a large number of organisations do not use that type of message.

I have had many NHS messages come through without problem, as well as banks and verification texts for numbers things.

As @Rebekah_150 says, you can use the credit towards your future Smarty plans.

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

Just had a text message from my local water company.

I need to reply to the message, but itโ€™s a five digit short code, which Smarty do not currently support. 

Any idea when Smarty will support short codes @Rebekah_150 @JodieC ?


@JJP2 Out of interest, I have just done a search and found this:

The suggestion is that they will charge for short code texts! I hope they rethink that one when the service launches. I understand it perhaps for competitions and votes etc but feel it would be wrong as a general rule e.g. replies to utilities, health services etc.

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

That page has been the same for a while 

When it says โ€œupdated over a week agoโ€ that could have been the same for several years 

Yes, hopefully shortcode texts to Utility companies, health services etc wonโ€™t be charged or at least at a token rate, say 5p.


@JJP2  Working from my position of ignorance, I find it hard to see why any extra charge should be made for what is after all a domestic text.

I do appreciate the need for companies to extract their pound of flesh to profit from competitions, votes etc but when responding to other everyday messages I don't think that is reasonable.

This issue has been going on for years now ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ 
I've been with Smarty for over 4yrs and I have seen the exact same 'advice' about short code numbers in all that time. It is especially frustrating because so many companies now use these numbers as their day to day communication and they can not be replied to ๐Ÿ˜  Even if they only sort out this part of it for now and then work on the 'paid competitions' part after, it would be immensely helpful!
I joined Smarty because short codes were not that prevalent, and it wasn't something I needed at the time, but now.....
And, NOWHERE in the SMARTY info you read when looking to join the network tells you about the lack of short code compatibility, you have to dig around to find the info (which I'm sure many don't as it's not in the fore front of their minds at the time of joining until it's relevant and then the Q&A always gives the same non-committal  answer of 'we are working on it') ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 
If SMARTY want to stay a competitive/relevant provider they really need to work on this as there are so many more (just as competitive) out there!

SMARTY Centurion
SMARTY Centurion

I wouldn't reply to any short code texts even if SMARTY allowed it. It's crazy that legitimate entities even use these numbers for their day-to-day communication! All those rouge companies using premium rate short code numbers have to do is send out messages containing the same or similar content to get one to reply and you could be billed ridiculous amounts for said reply or subscribe to a service which could also cost ridiculous amounts of wonga over a sustained period of time.

Think about it, Mary gets a random SMS from 54321 with a "Hello, this is the NHS, please reply YES to this SMS to confirm you will be attending your appointment as scheduled" and so little old Mary does just that because she did just so happen to have an appointment with some NHS department (Doctor, Hospital etc) and gets billed ยฃ7.50 and is enrolled in some daily SMS scheme that costs ยฃ7.50 for each additional message received. 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer



EE recently texted me on: 249 and Iโ€™m unable to reply, is this a known issue to be sorted


Been covered on this forum many times - Smarty donโ€™t yet support short code texts 

(This is the community forum by the way, we are customers, we donโ€™t work for Smarty)

Oddly enough, you can use the usual short-codes for getting a PAC, STAC or INFO about your plan. 

A correctly formatted SMS to 65075, 75075 or 85075 will work on the SMARTY network, @JJP2RidesAgain.


Ah yes, very true. Just not for medical appointments, etc, so Smarty obviously have the technology in place ๐Ÿคจ

Yes, it would seem so @JJP2RidesAgain

Although Three UK are members of the "Shortcode Management Group (SCMG)" industry body, it's not clear if their MVNO subsidiary SMARTY Mobile are also members. 

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

With the qualifiers of Eurovision 2023 ongoing, it is important to remember if you are with SMARTY, and want to vote for your favorite song, you will have to do this through the Eurovision app. 

App | Eurovision Song Contest

You are also able to cast your vote directly through the website.

Eurovision 2023 Voting (

Happy dancing! 


THIS DOES NOT WORK. The App just takes you to the phone dialler and Smarty wonโ€™t connect the call. Very annoying. 

It's so frustrating. 

Yup... partner has bought credit to be able to vote, but refuses to connect when using the App because it just opens the phone number. Annoying.

@AdamBarnettUK  - At least all is not lost as the credit can still be used towards another Smarty plan when current one ends.