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Smart Referral link system seems to be broken!

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

I have referred over 700 people to smarty through my social media platforms,

I know for a fact people are using my links, I even had a friend use my link infront of me, the yellow bar at the top that says so and so has referred you no longer appears.

We tried different browsers, removing cookies, connecting to different networks, everything! the yellow bar does not appear. 

so he signed up anyway using my link because we assumed that the bar was just removed. but I never received an email to say my friend has used my link.

Please can you have your devs look into this issue and resolve it asap. I have removed all links from my platforms until this is resolved.


SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator


Welcome to the Smarty community forum. Most of us are Smarty users like you.  We can help with making suggestions for some things, but we don't have access to account details or web/programming development.

I think the best option for you is to contact a Smarty Agent via Webchat and raise your issue with them.

I have contacted them, Via Twitter, Via email, Via WebChat.

The problem is the webchat system seems to be outsourced to india where they have no access to contact the dev team to alert them of the referral tracking system issues.

hoping someone on their end see's this and acts accordingly.


If initial contact via Webchat doesn't produce results, it might be worth trying again, but escalate it up the chain as a complaint?

I've tagged a Community forum moderator into the conversation who may help out if available


Thank you, Patiently waiting for their reply.

@JJP2  Looking at the T&C's for the scheme and item 3 in particular  I see: 

...may refer and invite as many of his/her personal friends or family members who are UK residents aged 18 or over (each a ‘Friend’) to take out a SMARTY plan

Now, I'm guessing that those people on your social media platforms do not qualify as friends or family for the most part and it may be that Smarty has invoked the rest of item 3 to stop you receiving the reward, as suggested by @JJP2 .

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

As this scheme is a friend referral scheme, I do wonder if you have fallen foul of terms and conditions - Smarty may reasonably argue that posting a referral link on social media, with apparently 700 people using that link, are not the actions of a Smarty customer passing on their referral link to friends…

Will watch this one with interest…

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

I noticed this too when I opened my own referral link (from my dashboard) in an incognito window and I didn't see a banner appear with my name on it (did used to show before). Did the same again, but in a totally different browser and got the same result. Some people on trustpilot have also mentioned that this doesn't work end to end (problem obtaining rewards also)

The website has also been updated it seems quite recently (at least the content and plans display looks different to before), so I wonder if maybe that has caused some issue 🤔.

As the guys suggested, better to contact the chat and see if they can flag it to the relevant team in charge of the website.

SMARTY Community Manager SMARTY Community Manager
SMARTY Community Manager

Hi @Sam_176946,

Unfortunately, there is a tracking issue within the website.

This issue has been escalated to the relevant team, and I will update in this thread once I have more news.


SMARTY Community Manager SMARTY Community Manager
SMARTY Community Manager

Hi @Sam_176946,

The issue affecting Refer A Friend dashboard displaying incorrect figures should be resolved.

Please let me know if it works for you now.



Please let me