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How many mgb do you get with a huwani phone

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Huawei 2018 phone how many mg do you get


SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

The phone you have makes no difference to how many GB (Gigabytes) of data you get - It simply depends on the plan you buy :


SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator


@JJP2 has made good a suggestion and is probably right, but reading your query another way, you could be asking about the size of memory in your phone?

Off the top of my head, most Hauwei from 2018 will have 16 or 32 mb of memory, with some models having as much as 128mb of memory.

This won't effect how much data you may use in your monthly plan.  Some people will mostly use their phone calls and SMS rather than data, so a small amount of data in the plan would be fine.  Other people will use their phones/device for doing a lot of downloads and streaming of videos etc.  These people will often use 100, 200 or even unlimited GB of data in a month.

Sorry, I put the wrong memory size in for the phones, they should've GB, not MB.  I think I'm showing my age,  the memory is slipping 🤓 

SMARTY Observer
SMARTY Observer

Please clarify the question.  What is mg, do you mean message or megabyte or something else.