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Help - my Smarty SIM has stopped working after porting my phone number

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

I had an existing Smarty account just for my daughter's phone.

I've ported my phone from EE to Smarty today.

I've noticed that my 'old' EE number has replaced my daughter's number and my daughter's phone has stopped working.

What can I do, to get my daughter's phone back working?






@fatboyslimfast If you simply ported in your old number to the account (and therefore to the only sim), then you have inactivated the number that was on that sim and it is lost.

Did you not start afresh when you came to Smarty? The correct procedure is in the help article?:

Unfortunately, I fear that you may not be abler to do much to retrieve the number, but you could try a web chat with Support Team - but don't hold your breath!

Thanks MSF, yeah my SIM has become inactive and my daughter's phone's SIM now has my ported number assigned to it.

I'm using the web chat and they've put in a request to recover the old assigned number.

So I'm waiting to see if that is possible, if it is, then they may be able to assign it to a new account and then I can create a group for both numbers. 




@fatboyslimfast Thanks for letting us know.

At least all may not be lost.

I do hope it works out for you.

On the plus side, at least your number is actually on an active sim....set this against the wrath of your offspring at having her mobile comms. forcibly removed 😳

SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hey @fatboyslimfast 

I'm sorry to hear about your recent experience with SMARTY. 

It seems you are part of a group plan and when you have ported the number, it has gone to the group account. Please do not worry as we can do a number recover for you. Please reach out to our webchat team and we can look into this.

I cannot guarantee the number recovery as I do not have all the details of the issue but if you explain this clearly to the advisor on webchat, we may be able to save your number.

Please use this link -

Hi Jodie,

I've contacted Abrar via the web chat yesterday, who requested a number recovery. 

Today, I've ask for an update, but so far, got no reply.



I've been ignored all day by the Web Chat advisor. What can I do?

@fatboyslimfast  As a last ditch stand, if you hear nothing fairly soon you can follow this link:

It's a pity that nobody has followed up as they said they would. We do seem to unfortunately see quite a number of issues where web chat doesn't work as it should.

I can say from experience that it used to work very well. Replies were very quick and the small problems were quickly resolved........before it was outsourced?

I've had to raise a complaint.

It's been between 24-48 hours after a request to retrieve my daughter's old number has gone in.

Once again the web chat is none responsive, and I cannot open a new thread (I've deleted the browser cookies and logged out and in again)

They need to bring some aspects of customer service back in house, for the more urgent issues - like my phone hasn't worked for the last 5 days!

@fatboyslimfast I certainly agree with you that it is not good enough.

Hopefully, the management at the top of the 'food chain' will see the number of complaints received. more importantly, they will certainly notice if this translates into members leaving.

While I am sure that it is more expensive to have customer service agents in this country, I would have thought it justifies a careful calculation to see if it saves more in terms of lost customers. Time will tell!!!

Yes, my plan B now is to go to a different provider and suck up the inconvenience of change contact number notifications. I can't believe I've just been ignored!

@fatboyslimfast I have just tried to send a PM to the Forum Manager mentioning this thread and asking if he can intervene.

I hope it makes some difference....but equally, I am not holding my breath!

"I just checked for you with the team and I do see their in process to recover you number."

Someone's replied.

But pushed further for an ETA .. then it's back to tumbleweed ...

Well it's now day 6 and no working phone and no replies for an update .. again!

What a mistake!
"Simple, honest, mobile"???? .. joke.

I'm leaving SMARTY for another supplier. 

💩 "Customer service" 

@fatboyslimfast  - Wow, really sorry to hear that! 

The only down side to leaving is that the number has already been lost and if you go now, they certainly won't bother to try to resurrect it. If you stay, there is some slim chance at least.

Hi @fatboyslimfast - I'm sorry to hear of the experience you've been having regarding your number recovery. I can confirm that I've chased the agent you're speaking with to get an update on what is delaying the process and will do what I can to get this expedited for you.

Thanks. Tomorrow will be day 7 without a working phone. 

Why I'm having to chase and chase and chase for a reply is beyond me. 

Why it's ok to eventually reply "the team are trying to retrieve the number" is also a mystery and why no-one is finding out why it's taking longer than expected days ago.