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EU roaming not working in Germany and Spain

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I’ve been on to Germany and Spain with my Smarty SIM and made all the changes requested on the website to get roaming but it didn’t work. In Germany (I was in Hamburg) I spent some time on the online chat getting help to address the problem, and they got it working for a while but it would randomly cut out, then start again. I’d get around 2 or 3 hours working per day. Not due to signal loss, but all the roaming services would stop working suddenly, then start again. I definitely did not use anywhere near 12gb of data. In Spain (Seville) I could not get it to work at all and gave up because I did not want to spend my holiday speaking to the help desk. 

anyone else had this problem of it working and then cutting out? 



@TamsinD_1235848  You don’t mention what the support team suggested that got it working for a while.

They made some minor change to the APN settings - added or removed a forward slash (I cannot remember which). The amendment they made was different to what was shown on the website. But that made roaming work, but not consistently. I was there for a few days and each day it would work for maybe two hours, then completely cut out - (no phone, text or data connection) for no reason. I made no further changes to the settings and when I want to Seville it did not work at all. I could not get a connection to any network. 

SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @TamsinD_1235848 I'm not sure what would have caused this - the team on chat are the best to look at this, one thing you do need to do is change the settings on your device here Roaming Setup this is a one time thing on your device and does not need changed back.

Thanks. I have messaged the chat again to check my settings. They advised they were correct but told me to reset all network settings, then reput in the roaming settings. They have advised they cannot help further unless I am in an EU country (I’m in the UK at the moment), which is completely understandable. I am in Spain at the end of this month, so will see if it works then.. Thanks for everyone’s help here. 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I could not get my data SIM in a Huawei WiFi dingle to work in Spain. How do you make the onetime change from a dongle?

I thought smarty had simplicity solved, but apparently not! 

@AlanCoo_1983418  You need to change the settings in a device for roaming. Have you looked at the manufacturer's website or the manual? You can normally get to the settings page via your browser to make changes.

As @MSF says, you need to follow the Huawei manual to change the APN to the required ''

You cant lay the blame at Smarty's feet, as you are using Huawei hardware.