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Smarty 5G traffic slows down after a while - looks like throttling... something else?

SMARTY Enquirer
SMARTY Enquirer
I’m writing about persistent problems with my data speeds on a Smarty Unlimited data plan.
I use my 5G mobile to tether at home. This works very well and download speeds can be as high as 500 MBps in my home, which is near to a 5G mast.
However, after a short time (10-30 minutes) the speed will drop to very slow speeds - perhaps 1-2 MBps. In order to fix this, I have to disconnect from the mobile network (by enabling airplane mode), then reconnecting a few seconds later. This immediately returns speeds to very fast 5G speeds, but the slowdown will occur a short time later, and means we have to repeat the process again time and again. We're having to do this many times an hour and it is making the otherwise excellent data speeds unusable.
To summarise:
- I am always connected to the same (very fast) 5G mast with a strong signal.
- This has been going on for weeks, and the 3 network status checkers shows no issues in our area (Chester).
- I don't believe this is network congestion, as I immediately get high speeds again if I disconnect and reconnect.
- Smarty says they don't throttle or shape traffic, so it shouldn't be that.
- My phone is not overheating, nor is it throttling. I have tried with another 5G phone and get the same problem.
Has anybody else experienced the same thing, or does anybody have any advice on what is going on?

SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hey  Nadjejd_2050816

Coverage can vary from one location to another, you can check your network status here Our chat agents will also be able to look into this in greater details, and one of our advisors will be more than happy to help, available daily from 8am – 8pm.

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SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator


A number of us on the Smarty customers forum have consistently had good to excellent signal strengths and speeds. 

I certainly haven't had any problems with slowing of speeds.  During busier network times I often get 350+MBpa, but usually between 450 to 700 MBps



Hey StevenW, just out of curiosity what app do you use to check these stats from your SIM card? The one in your screenshot above. Thanks

Hi @jassingh,

I use an app called Mastdata.

I use it on android based phone, and if memory serves I think it's also available for iOS/apple.

@Strandloper Just got excited and checked their website - only available for Adenoid (Android!) 😪

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator


Sorry to raise your hopes up, my memory is probably getting too old.

Hopefully demand may get it onto iOS

@Strandloper Awesome, thanks! Yeah I use Android too 📱
App is so cool, many useful features like signal surveys and coverage maps. 


Mastdata does provide good information, and users get to help provide surveys (if they want), making the data more useful for others 🙏👍

@Strandloper Indeed. Really nice that you can contribute by adding a survey of your own area and compare other networks. Actually helped me validate an issue I was having with another network in a certain location. 

Here's me standing next to a mast with signal strength at ~93% 🤓


SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hey  Nadjejd_2050816

Coverage can vary from one location to another, you can check your network status here Our chat agents will also be able to look into this in greater details, and one of our advisors will be more than happy to help, available daily from 8am – 8pm.

This is a bit of a fudge answer. I live in Wigan WN5 with exactly same problem. Last year 5g speeds were excellent.. I gave up on fibre with Virgin Media and went with a 5G router on Smarty. It was excellent for about 6 5G speed is useless. No idea how you screwed things up in this area so badly but I have to go back to fibre

@JohnComi_342726  Mobile data will never compete with fibre broadband if you want a stable and high speed connection. Smarty tell you at the outset that it will not be a replacement.

Who knows, perhaps there are a number of high usage customers like you all connecting to the same mast - surely that would slow things down due to congestion.

Perhaps not, but to claim they are not throttling when they clearly are is misleading. Advertising speeds in excess of 150mb then within a few minutes after a reboot down to 12mb is more than taking the proverbial. I have 3 sims in different devices and they all do it.

…my gripe is that this was not happening 12 months ago

@JohnComi_342726  throttling indicates a company deliberately slowing things down. I am talking about a natural process due to a lot of people competing for a finite resource.

It seems quite conceivable that 12 months ago the situation might have been different. Using your analogy,25 years ago the roads in the UK were not as busy as they are now, but HM Government didn't put extra traffic on them or even lower the speed limit to slow everything down!

By that logic ..if the increase in traffic had us all driving no faster than 20mph on a motorway I think we’d want that fixed for our road tax, don’t you?

@JohnComi_342726 Quite often, the traffic DOES have us driving at that speed !...and it is not fixed to give value for our road tax ! I had just that at times over the weekend on both A roads and Motorway travel.

This is the price you pay for advancement. It may be that if you pay full whack for a contract with one of the big boys, you will get better speeds but I'm not sure it is guaranteed.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

The issue is that smarty changes IP every couple of minutes. This can make apps and services believe a dos attack is coming from a device. You can easily replicate this, download Google earth and put it in 3d zoom in and out and watch the percentage stop loading than all your internet slows to zero. It goes normal after a while but if you use a VPN like the one Google has built in the problem does not occur. It is NOT a signal problem congestion is a problem on all networks but this issue is as explained.