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Referral link issues


Good afternoon, I sent a friend of mine my referral link on the 25/2, he used the link to sign up to Smarty. 

I've since heard nothing from Smarty, so I've just contacted them asking where my £10 reward card email was and they just told me that my referral link was never used.  I know fir a fact that it was used by my friend as I was on the phone to him at the time he was doing it and using the link. 

What can I do,  as Smarty are basically saying there's nothing they can do



Did your friend get the £10 gift card? It's advertised here:

If your friend didn't get it, then it may be that they didn't follow the link correctly. If they did, then this should be proof that you also deserved the advertised reward.

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Did your friend get the £10 gift card? It's advertised here:

If your friend didn't get it, then it may be that they didn't follow the link correctly. If they did, then this should be proof that you also deserved the advertised reward.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Same as you I never used my £10 referral ethier can you update and send me a new link please 

SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

I guess it's either a genuine mistake by SMARTY, or SMARTY are being disingenuous offering rewards without being able to provide the rewards. Either way, seems it's #LessSMARTY, #MoreMalarkey. 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I didn't get the referral either from a few weeks ago. I made sure the person signing up clicked on it first. They are now using smarty, but neither of us have received any confirmation that we will get a voucher.

Hello @DennisL_1891318 . It can take up to 30 days I believe. If it has been longer, then you need to start a web chat with Support Team so that they can look at your account.

I waited a couple of months and contacted support. They were very helpful. They said they had no record of the code being used but I showed them a screen shot off the text I sent (with my referral code) and they sent me the voucher. The other person had to ring support to get theirs.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Same issue here, spent a few hours on webchat only to be told the referral link wasn't used. I know it was as I was there at time of set up. Don't know what else to do to get smarty to act.

@SharonB_1904669  If you have some form of evidence, then you can start a complaint with Smarty and provide a copy.

Was it a friend or relative who followed the link? Do they have emails acknowledging from Smarty?

Mine was used received email today to pick voucher but when u click on the link it takes you to sign in then nothing happens after that been on chat for over an hour and it's still not working. I must be doing something wrong 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer


I have the same issue.  The same has happened to me and i know 100% they used the link.  i’m beginning to think it’s a con.  i’m looking to go somewhere else now.  nothing but problems.  cheap for a reason me thinks!!

@KayEvans_770859 . It's really not a con. The company are really too big to imagine that they would get away with such a thing.

Again, if you actually have some evidence, do hit them with a complaint to get it sorted.

Don't also forget that there are a huge number of us who have used Smarty for some time with no trouble - that must count for something!

since my original reply i have indeed contacted smarty (3rd time) and finally got a decent reply the promise of a credit of £10 for us both.  however i shouldn’t have had to go to such lengths in the first place.  how many others just give up i wonder.  i’m not a new user i’ve been with smarty for a number of years simply because they puffy back from the only signal i can obtain where i live and they are one of the few who let you use wifi calling.

@KayEvans_770859 I totally agree that you should not have to chase like this.

On the positive side, at least they have promised the credit. I do wonder if they are becoming a victim of their own success as people look to save money on things like mobile phone service in these difficult times. Support has been outsourced to other countries, it seems, and that seems to cause more aggro.

At the end of the day, a lot of people find it a good product at a great price. Of course, it won't suit everyone - particularly if they cannot get a good signal where they are.

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