23-09-2023 12:25 PM
my sim is invalid since 3 days ago I don’t know why I can’t reach to you to the see the problem
23-09-2023 12:51 PM
Welcome to the Smarty Community Forum. It is populated by Smarty customers/users just like you.
We are unable to see anybodies personal detail, such as your account detail. We can only see our own information.
If you can post on this forum, you will be able to contact Smarty directly through Webchat. The following is a copy of Smarty advice for contacting them;
If you've got issues with your phone, here's what to do.
Whether it's a coverage glitch, a text not going through or trouble making calls, it’s annoying when stuff goes wrong. If you have an issue with your phone, then please go online, log in to your SMARTY account and check out our Help Centre.
If you can’t see the info you need or you’re unable to resolve your issue, please get in touch with us via web chat.
Web chat is available 8am-8pm, 7 days a week.
If you need help outside of these times, you can still submit your question via web chat and leave your email address or mobile number. We’ll reply as soon as possible.
12:58 PM
- last edited on
13:56 PM
The problem is not in my phone the problem with my SIM I can’t get calls and messages there is no service
23-09-2023 13:16 PM
Perhaps the SIM is damaged or faulty @Bashayr_1511077 - it can happen unexpectedly.
Have you used the SMARTY web chat to ask for a replacement SIM?
23-09-2023 13:39 PM
@Bashayr_1511077, and ALL people posting on forum
It is strongly advised that personal details are NOT posted to the forum. That includes phone numbers!