30-09-2024 19:02 PM - last edited on 01-10-2024 12:49 PM by JodieC
I was 10p under the £15 to renew plan (I’m blaming Gregg’s bakery for this! 😂) however it means my payment didn’t get made. I have the money to pay it now but I can’t find how to do it. I tried messages but that only took me to joining or leaving the network. HELP! I need my phone for work
30-09-2024 19:15 PM
Thank goodness for children! My daughter showed me how to do it on the browser, seems it can’t be done on the app
01-10-2024 12:51 PM
Hey @Charlen_2307125
Thank you for reaching out to our SMARTY Community Forum!
If you need to manually renew your plan, please follow this link as this will guide you to make the payment to reactivate your services:
Updating your payment method | SMARTY Help Centre
I hope this helps!
- Jodie
23-11-2024 10:25 AM
This does not answer the question. How to pay directly to get the service back using the same card that has been set up for auto renew and had insufficient funds. There is really no way to do it (or no way I can easily see).
23-11-2024 10:46 AM
@KevinIs_2504620 Didn't @Charlen_2307125 say that she was able to that via the website rather than the app?