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login still not fixed

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

once again, browser not remembered, i had to go and get my phone to login with a code, come on, fix this! i will keep complaining until it is fixed!


SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

Make sure cookies are turned on.

Some antivirus or related software may delete your cookies.

If your cookies are turned on, clear your browser's cache.

Also, It imay because you have enabled security check. If Smarty does not recognise the browser from where you login, it asks to save it or not. You can save the browser so that when you login from the *same browser on same machine* it won't ask you for the confirmation. 

Donโ€™t forget, this Smarty community forum is populated by Smarty users like you and I, so you are not communicating directly with Smarty staff - If you are taking the steps outlined above, and itโ€™s still not having your desired effect, then, to quote you, โ€œI will keep complaining till you fix itโ€ on a user forum, where we have no control over what Smarty does, is pointless. 



@lukefow_2033993  Two points here:

1. We donโ€™t run the network and so continually complaining via this forum regrettably wonโ€™t change anything.

2. It is a security issue designed to prevent people having their accounts hacked easily. It helps comply with GDPR and any sensible firm is unlikely to back down.

A number of us with extra security on our devices seem to manage to come back to the site without needing to sign in again. Apple devices seem ok for this in my experience.

if there is an option to remember browser it should work, AND if smarty knows how much security my device has that is a massive privacy breach

@lukefow_2033993  Smarty doesnโ€™t know the detailsโ€ฆ..your device provides the security.

The whole internet world is moving to this higher level of security. Do you use online banking? How much security is there? I bet you are logged out after a few minutes of inactivity. Smarty are trying to protect your privacy with two factor authorisation. This makes it harder for anyone to get into your personal details or impersonate you. Please donโ€™t tell me thatโ€™s a bad thing!

i am not saying they should get rid of it, i am saying that i should be able to login again on the same device without having to go through verification every time

Yep, and for many of us, it stays logged in just fine. I really do think you must be clearing cookies regularly (not necessarily manually, your browser may be set to do it automatically). Maybe try a different browser and see if you end up with the same issue? 

@lukefow_2033993  It is possible to stay logged in. I manage this at home with no problem. 

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

Same here, also during a three week trip to Phoenix, Arizona. During that trip, I even bought an iPhone 13 Mini from Apple in Scottsdale and, after the initial set up, had no issues with being repeatedly asked to log in by Smarty and other websites.  @lukefow_2033993 and his device(s) must be clearing cookies each time. As you say, security is paramount.