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What happens when run out of data

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

Have a monthly 3GB plan for backup in case main internet is down. Just used up the full 3GB for the first time. Not clear what happens once the allowance is used up - does data connection stop working completely or does it continue to work and I get charged an out-of-budle rate per MB of data (can't find any reference to what this amount would be in the UK)? Sim didn't seem to stop working at all but have now bought a 3 day unlimited package to keep things going. Just want to be sure there won't be any nasty surprises at renewal time!


SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

Okay @RobinK, the SIM wouldn't continue to work unless you had some credit attached to your SMARTY account, in which case you'd be charged on a per MB basis for mobile data usage. 

I think you can buy a data add-on for your 1-month plan, or maybe just renew the 1-month plan early, if you need to use the SIM.


@RobinK  One of the main points about using Smarty is that you never get an unexpected bill because they do not offer credit. You can only spen what is sitting in your account - either your plan or some credit that you have already added. No nasty shocks!

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

@Chalkychap & @MSF  - thanks for your quick replies. Not aware that I had any credit on the account, so I think I didn't lose connection as I just got lucky (maybe there is a bit of a lag in Smarty's systems monitoring usage) & then bought one of their new unlimited packages which I am now using. I couldn't see that there was a facility to be charged for out of plan usage for data but good to have this confirmed. Also, AFAIK, you cannot renew the monthly plan early with Smarty. Thanks again, Robin

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

FWIW, although it doesnโ€™t matter now you have bought an unlimited package, Smartyโ€™s add ons never expire - I still have a data add on with 1.28 GB remaining, which I bought when I first joined Smarty.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

@JJP2 thanks & that is something I considered but the rate at which 3GB was consumed (home worker, video conferencing and probably work laptop doing background updates as well), meant that the unlimited for a short period feels like the better option. Hopefully this will tide us over until the broadband issues are fixed. And then we have a backup sim ready for if/when it happens again!