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Group account set-up

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I've spent ages trying to sort this out and can't get any sensible response from webchat as we're going round in circles. 

I set-up a group account last year with 2 SIMs. One for me to take camping and one for a child to use in their mobile. The child's SIM remains active but I didn't make any payments on mine over the last months as I haven't been away. So now that has closed, which means I have a group account with my SIM inactive and my son's still working. 

I was told I can't rejoin or restart the old SIM, so ordered a new one and had to create a new account for it with a different email address.

I want to merge the two - my child's SIM on my old account with my SIM on my new account. But no one seems to understand the issue. 😭 Can anyone explain what I can do please? 




SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @Reesy_24 

Thank you for reaching out to our SMARTY community forum! I hope you're well.

Unfortunately, according to our website guidelines, it's not possible to remove a nickname SIM from a group plan. You can find more information on this in our Help Centre article titled: How do I remove a member from my Group Plan? | SMARTY Help Centre

Please refer to the bottom of the page for information on nickname SIMS. 

As for merging the two accounts, this option isn't available. The only alternative would be to obtain a PAC code for the nickname SIM, leave SMARTY, acquire another PAC from a new provider, and then return to us. However, I understand that this process may not be suitable for you.

You can continue to use the nickname SIM by logging into the SMARTY app, even if the group owner account has been cancelled. This way, you can avoid the hassle of porting in and out of SMARTY.

Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance or have any other questions.

Jodie 😍

View solution in original post



@Reesy_24  As far as I can see, you would need to remove the child's sim from the group, sort the new group and then re-invite them to the new group.

SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @Reesy_24 

Thank you for reaching out to our SMARTY community forum! I hope you're well.

Unfortunately, according to our website guidelines, it's not possible to remove a nickname SIM from a group plan. You can find more information on this in our Help Centre article titled: How do I remove a member from my Group Plan? | SMARTY Help Centre

Please refer to the bottom of the page for information on nickname SIMS. 

As for merging the two accounts, this option isn't available. The only alternative would be to obtain a PAC code for the nickname SIM, leave SMARTY, acquire another PAC from a new provider, and then return to us. However, I understand that this process may not be suitable for you.

You can continue to use the nickname SIM by logging into the SMARTY app, even if the group owner account has been cancelled. This way, you can avoid the hassle of porting in and out of SMARTY.

Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance or have any other questions.

Jodie 😍


@Reesy_24  In my earlier reply, I assumed that the child sim had been set up as a stand-alone sim and added to the group - that explains why my comment varied from the reply from @JodieC  which deals with a nickname sim.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Thanks both! Much appreciated and has saved me going round in circles any longer. It means I can't benefit from the group discount, which is frustrating. Shame there's no flexibility here in moving the child's sim over to mine. Thanks again.