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Answer phone greeting.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

I want to leave the Smarty (man and lady) on my greeting, but it’s asked for my name and has set that. I don’t want to use my voice or name if possible, how can I revert back to Smarty one? 



@PhilJon_2113590  Have you seen this help article?:

If you say nothing when it asks you to record your name, it will be left blank.

Yeah I didn’t want that. Just the man and women 

@PhilJon_2113590 Surely, if you don't record your name, then you will only hear the original message - the female voice first and then the male.

Or do you get something else?

When I first had the answer phone on it was male and female, then I went to listen to a left message and it would let me until I had done a personal greeting. I don’t want to leave just a blank gap, but I don’t want to use my name or voice. He knew it would be such a difficult thing to sort with smarty? Good job I’m only on a month contract lol 😂 

@PhilJon_2113590  Totally mystified! I've never put a personal greeting on mine, but it lets me listen to a message with no problems.

So, why don't you web chat with Support Team and ask them if they can just reset it?

Yeah that’s an idea, surly they should be able to. Can’t even see where or how to switch answer o pop home completely off all together . Thanks for input 👍🏻

@PhilJon_2113590  Do you mean turn off voicemail? If so, here is the article: You need a web chat for Smarty to turn it off.