โ02-06-2024 19:29 PM
I have someone who calls me all the time when they know I am busy and can't answer the phone. Every time without fail, they leave childish voicemail messages which get annoying. I don't want to block this person as I do need to be able to contact them - just at times when I'm free from my schedule.
Is there a way to block individual contacts from leaving voicemail messages without turning off my voicemail or blocking the person?
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
โ02-06-2024 19:36 PM
@AndyPandy I cannot immediately see a way to do that unfortunately.
I think it's a question of either blocking a number or not blocking it totally.
Any chance that you could have a subtle word with the person? Maybe explain that you do sometimes get too buy to answer calls and that there really isn't a need to leave a voicemail unless it's important as this just wastes your time listening to the message - you can see who called you anyway.
โ02-06-2024 19:36 PM
@AndyPandy I cannot immediately see a way to do that unfortunately.
I think it's a question of either blocking a number or not blocking it totally.
Any chance that you could have a subtle word with the person? Maybe explain that you do sometimes get too buy to answer calls and that there really isn't a need to leave a voicemail unless it's important as this just wastes your time listening to the message - you can see who called you anyway.
โ02-06-2024 19:43 PM
Thank you - it's unfortunate as I've mentioned it numerous times to them but they just think I'm overreacting and do it even more. One point I had 15 voicemail messages from them!!
I understand it isn't an option right now, hopefully it's something Smarty could introduce at some point. Thank you again for your reply ๐
โ02-06-2024 19:49 PM
@AndyPandy I wonder if it is even an option for the future. You may have noticed plenty of people moaning about not being able to end short code texts and not being able to have an Esim; those things are becoming industry-wide offerings and yet Smarty has not introduced them for some reason. Selective blocking of voicemail - is that even a thing yet?