08-05-2024 10:21 PM
I have just swapped to smarty from 1p mobile. The speeds are much better now as is coverage. I tether my tablet to my phone sometimes, however when I run a speed test on both devices side by side whilst tethered, I may get 50mbps on my phone but less than 2mbps on the tablet. I swapped to smarty because it says there is no throttling, however there clearly is. I have turned both devices off and on again. This was never an issue before with 1p mobile. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? I don't think so though as I've been doing this for years. My port went through just today so maybe it takes a while? I doubt this too because I tried it before porting and the same thing happened.
08-06-2024 08:19 AM
@ADAMCRA_2867053 I really do not believe that Smarty would put it in writing for all to see if it were not true: https://help.smarty.co.uk/en/articles/1155178-our-policy-on-data-shaping-and-network-throttling
Have you considered that it may be your device or wifi on the phone?
08-06-2024 05:38 PM
Nope... Definitely nothing my end... It's always been good on my last provider, the only thing that has changed is my network to smarty. I would need to find a solution as this is a big part of my usage. I agree I doubt they would do this intentionally but as I said, the only difference is the sim card in my phone.