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SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

My phone does not receive local sms in Geneva airport. I have out of plan add on. But am unable to use internet in airport as I did not receive code by SMS.  Otherwise roaming working fine



@Michael_1873472 I wonder, did the sms perhaps come via short code? In that case it may not arrive as Smarty don't currently support that system.

It may be an idea to check that standard sms is working - you say that roaming is otherwise working fine.

I don’t know what short code is.  I don’t know whether it is relevant but I received the following error message.  And incurred some cost without using my phone.   Oops. It looks like this service isn't covered in your plan. To find out how to use this service, go to, when you have WiFi

@Michael_1873472  I think part of the problem is that Switzerland is not EU when it comes to roaming. Please see the Price Guide:*1j0owo*_ga*MTg5MDEzNjYwOS4xNzA1MzA5Njc3*....

Specifically p19 shows that there is a charge from your account credit for some services e.g. data and calls. If your phone has connected to a local network, you are paying for data and any calls, hence your credit decreasing.

The other issue with short codes - these are short numbers with 5 or 6 digits rather than the standard 11 digit UK mobile number. Smarty currently does not work with this system.