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Recent summary Usage history not showing

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

When I am logged in and go to look at the Usage history summary I can only see months up to last January (2023) (see below), the last 9 months (up Sep/Oct 2023) are missing! I can see the details by clicking on 'View all by month' but really I want the recent monthly summaries.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 120022.jpg



@Winfiel_1447895 Probably best to take this up with Support Team via web chat so that they can look into your account.

Are you using the website or app? Have you tried both?

Thanks for the reply. I am using the website.


Do you see a small downward-pointing arrow (where my red arrow in the screenshot is indicating)?

If so, click on it and you can choose a month to view

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 16.17.37.png

โ€ƒWhen you open Usage it normally gives an overview of total usage for each month (not broken down). You can then click on "View all by month".

Thanks for the reply. When I click on the down arrow I just get all the details. However when I log in today to look at 'usage history' all the months up to present have suddenly appeared, so problem is solved. Must have been a glitch on Smarty's side...

@Winfiel_1447895  Glad all is well then.