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Porting only occured for outbound (no inbound calls)

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


Can anyone help on this. My number ported on Wednesday (12th Jan 2024). I can make outbound calls and sms texts with my ported number but I cannot receive calls or texts. Calling my number just results in  "The number you have called is not recognised, please check the number and dial again".

It seems the port was successful for outbound but nothing for inbound?

Any help would be appreciated




SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

It will be best to speak to our chat team as they will be able to raise any issue to the back end technical team available daily from 8am – 8pm.

Hi Rebekah_150,

This is how the end of day 6 with no inbound calls or texts. If you have the ability to escalate this, I would be really grateful if you would.

I have spent far too many hours on your web chat asking when is this going to be sorted with no end in sight or information about what's gone wrong other than they think its a split porting issue



SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator

Thank you, I raised it yesterday, 24 hours after the port occurred. I was told to wait.

I've raised it again today with them, fingers crossed it actually gets expedited higher for resolution 🤞.

I will update the forum with results

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


An update on Day 6 that I still cannot receive any inbound calls or texts (this is a nightmare for 2Fa/MFA).

It took 2 days of using the web chat at smarty for them to ascertain it is a "split port" issue rather than getting the usual reset your phone empty text cache etc etc. 

Numerous conversations later on the chat has identified that the Web chat agents have no ability or escalate issues other than writing in notes fields. 

I understand things go wrong sometimes but there seems no way other than web chat to get a resolution. My main issues with Web chat is the agents seem to have no training in actually identifying where the problems are (2 days to identify a port issue), they then have no ability to escalate issues to resolution (unless of course 6 days and still a failed port is acceptable and they do not consider it needs prioritising).

I have contacted the Communications Ombudsmen and Citizens Advice and essentially it's basically "tough luck, suck it up" for 8 weeks after which they can investigate.

Looking on this forum and several others implies Smarty have lots of ongoing issues with porting with no apparent urgency to resolve or provide a faster method of fix.

I feel I cannot even cancel or move as the port has only completed for outbound calls/texts not inbound.

Any help of advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated as I'm left banging my head against a wall.

Thanks in advance




@ChrisGo_2486818  I do wonder whether raising a complaint maybe gets the problem higher up the "chain of command" in Smarty.

Of course, we don't know exactly who is responsible for the failure to port cleanly - it may be your previous network that is responsible. There has been some suggestion that previous networks fail to provide the correct files for a transfer.

The advice you have had re: Ombudsman is basically correct. They will only become involved once you have given the company eight weeks to sort the problem and effectively received a "letter of deadlock" saying that no more can be done (I fell that is unlikely and usually applies more to billing issues etc).

It must be very frustrating but I would urge you to raise the complaint as this would be your formal evidence together with the transcript of web chats.

If you have paid for a service that you are not getting, there is also the issue of some compensation.

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator

Thanks for the reply @MSF

I have raised a formal complaint yesterday with a preferred communication method as email, I've heard nothing yet but will update the forum with any progress. 

Re, obtaining the right transfer files, who knows?? There is a total lack of communication or understanding in the web chat but hopefully someone, somewhere in smarty will pick this up eventually. 🤞

Re, Compensation. when I received the porting successful email (it obviously hasn't been successful), they send another email giving me £5. I really don't want £5, I really need a service that works. The amount of problems caused by not being able to receive texts (for 2FA) has caused me so much more than £5 worth of issues. If I was being paid the time to try and sort this £5 would put me on an hourly rate in the range of pennies not pounds.

For me, it keeps coming back to the total apathy to resolve issues when they go wrong. In my opinion, this is not the fault of the Web Chat team, the problems sit firmly at the feet of Smarty's attitude to customer service.

I will of course update this post with any updates including fix if/when it happens.

I do feel that if OfCom started levying realistic fines to providers dragging their heels with PAC issues, they may get fixed a lot quicker. Intentionally or not, taking your time to fix PAC problems benefits the providers by making consumers think twice before moving.  

@ChrisGo_2486818  At risk of stating the obvious....... Did you speak to your previous network stop ask them to confirm that they had complied in the porting process?

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator

My previous provider was a small local company who uses Giacom.

Giacom wont speak to me directly but I will ask if that can be done. Thanks for the info 

@ChrisGo_2486818  But don't Giacom go through a major network as they are only a provider - in the same way that Smarty operate via Three?

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


Yes it was an O2 sim, but O2 wont talk to me as I am not a direct customer with them.. I have tried calling them.

Unless you know what I need to say to get somewhere

@ChrisGo_2486818 That does admittedly make it more difficult as you are two customers away from the actual network owner. I assume that Smarty are aware that the number was registered to O2?

Are you able to 'pressurise' the company you purchased from in any way?

In Smarty's defence, they will no doubt be having similar problems if nobody is being co-operative.

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator

I have asked the local provider who supplied the sim. They are unable to help as this is handled by Giacom.

I've just had the following on the Smarty web chat. It's an unbelievable how bad smarty are at any form of cohesive communication. A different operator therefore it all starts again

Hi ,
We've checked our system and can see that the port is still pending.
We've already chased the relevant network for file exchange.
Once the file exchange take place the port will be complete.
We're monitoring this and will let you know as this progresses.

And this has been on my smarty dashboard for 2 days:


I understand there is obviously some sort of problem with the port which may or may not be Smarty's doing. But some actual communications of what's happening and where the problem lies would be good start.


@ChrisGo_2486818 One thing that just occurred to me.......Did you by any chance complete the port request before you had an activated sim?

That always seems to mess things up - there is another post today where that has happened.

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


No I gave the pac code code as part of the sign up process which is an option they provide. They then automatically instigates the port after I had activated the sim.

Thanks for checking though and trying to help

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


No, I didnt follow that process as I followed the process when I signed up with smarty.

I had already requested a PAC code from my old provider before I had chosen which supplier to go with as they have a 30 day expiry date on them and simply auto cancel if not used. (Not sure if thats industry standard or not??)

I chose ther smarty plan and theyu asked for a PAC code as part of the sign-up. I simply followed the instructions as part of the sign up


Once I received my sim, I activated it in the portal as they instructed.

They then sent an email stating the PAC transfer had been initiated. This is how it was explained during signup.

If I have done anything wrong it was under instruction from Smarty. More importantly, if this is the incorrect way to use a PAC code then this should be reported to Smarty as their sign-up process will be incorrect


I am in a similar issue to you and posted earlier today. I also provided pac code as part of sign up and seen on another post this was their issue - ludicrous that smarty offers that as a service though if they know it’s not working.


I too am completed (insert word) off with the level of service I’ve had from Smarty. I have no outbound or inbound service for a week. My “old” number appears dead. I even asked if they can cancel the port but they can’t do that and the responses I get is “be patient”!I have had to order a replacement sim but that’s not fixed it and their solution is - order another sim!! I am going round in circles!! 
I’ve submitted a complaint but that takes a few days all the while I have no service! 
I am beyond infuriated!!


SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


Another update on it but still not looking good. I had a response from my previous provider (a small local company that uses Giacom to supply my O2 sim).

"’I've asked Giacom today; the number has left their system. They have no control over it, it’s their issue which Smarty need to log it with them to resolve."

In my personal opinion, this heavily implies that after 6 days or no inbound calls or texts, Smarty have not even contacted my previous provider to even begin attempting to resolve this. I would welcome any evidence from Smarty to show this is not the case.

Re, NicolaB_2487490, it certainly does seem to imply Smarty have a problem actually working with their own sign-up processes! Unfortunately for me I didn't scour forums before I signed up with them otherwise I wouldn't have gone anywhere near them.

Day 7; Inbound callers to me are still receiving "The number dialled has not been recognised" and still no information or updates from them as to any time frame of resolve. I would suspect they haven't even got it yet. 



SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator

Hi all,

I've just made another formal complaint (radio silence on the previous one) and thought I would share with you all.

I really hope other people manage to stumble upon this before they sign-up so at least they can make an educated decision whether the small savings of a faceless company is actually worth it when something goes wrong:


I am now starting day 7 with no inbound or calls or texts (obviously including MFA/2FA which I really need)!

I have been in constant contact using your Web Chat support who finally decided on day 2 of no service that it was a "split Port" issue.

Talking with your Web Chat team it seems that they:

  1. A) They have no method to escalate issues other than writing in a notes field
  2. B)  They have no feedback after 6 days of no service from the business of any progress updates

On Day 6 of no service (16th Jan 2024), I received some feedback from my old provider (who uses Giacom).

"I’ve asked Giacom today; the number has left their system. They have no control over it, it’s. their issue which Smarty need to log it with them to resolve."

This implies that after 6 days of no service, no one at Smarty has even started to attempt a resolution to this.

For reference, I have attempted assistance using your community forum at:

I am really struggling to understand how a company that is geared towards having Webchat as the only method of real-time communication can be so dis-jointed by not giving the Webchat team the information, training or tools to effectively handle customer problems.

Hopefully you will be able to resolve this zero service a little quicker than your quoted 28 days




@ChrisGo_2486818  I'm really sorry to hear about the level of service that you have had.

From past posts, it does look like the system cannot handle activating a new sim and also deal with porting in a number to it. Ifreely admit that I am no expert, but just wonder whether the port process looks to check the sim that is going to receive the number before that sim is even activated and hence cannot find it (hope that makes sense).

SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator


I'm no expert either but that makes sense. If it is the case, it's crazy then that Smarty are doing this knowing the issue. I just used the sign-up process as provided by them.

Maybe that's why they haven't even started trying to resolve my issue after 7 days because they have a massive back-log of new customers with no service.


SMARTY Commentator
SMARTY Commentator

Hi all,

A quick update, day 8 and still no inbound calls or texts. I have postred 2 formal complaints. I did receive a response from one of the formal complaints they asked

"To further investigate and address this concern, our network team requests examples of failed inbound calls and texts within the last 24-48 hours"

They obviously did not read the complaint explaining that a failed port has stopped me receiving any inbound calls or texts.

I really dont know what to do now as I have exhausted all contact methods.

Hi all,

I have been given some information where by a pac transfer occures in 3 parts (Voice in, Voice out and data). It seems that Smarty/Three has not requested/processed all part of the PAC transfer which they could simply resolve by restarting the process.

My wife has just cancelled her smarty sim thankfully before she activated it. The WebChat agent said there were problems last week with Porting which has now been resolved.

Unfortunately, its not resolved for me yet. Hopefully others in the same boat get a resolution quicker than me