26-02-2024 13:29 PM
Hey there
I received a call that went straight to voicemail as my phone had no power to it. They left no message. Will that call be logged somewhere? If so how do I retrieve it please?
26-02-2024 13:38 PM - edited 26-02-2024 15:09 PM
Okay @AndrewCa_930886, if the call was diverted to SMARTY voicemail, and the caller didn't hang-up before the voicemail system started recording, the number would be available with the voicemail message.
Otherwise, you'd not normally be able to find out about the missed call.
26-02-2024 13:49 PM
@AndrewCa_930886 I think that the call will be logged somewhere, but I'm not sure how you will be able to access the number.
Imagine calls from a doctor's surgery for instance, they normally have caller ID withheld for confidentiality reasons. While I imagine that the mobile phone system certainly can trace where a call comes from (think national security issues!) I'm not sure that you will be able to get that info.
26-02-2024 14:00 PM
They hung up before it kicked in expecting the call to be logged. Little did I know the phone had just run out of power minutes before. I think I'm screwed to be honest
26-02-2024 14:03 PM
@AndrewCa_930886 Ah yes, I see the problem then! When your phone has power, you can naturally see who has called you - they will then expect you to call them back and will assume that you were busy at the time etc.
Regrettably, I do think you'll have a problem then.