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Hive issues


Has anybody experienced Hive heating receiver not working on sim 4G internet provider, we live in the countryside and do not have possibility of cable / fibre broardband so have to rely on a sim card, Hive have told me to contact my provider with the following message

I trust you are well. In order to further assist, could you please get in touch with your Internet Service Provider and request that they open/forward the following ports in order for the HUB to onboard/connect to the internet:

The ports a Hive Hub requires are:
UDP port 123 (NTP)
TCP port 443 (HTTPS)
TCP 5671 (AMQPS)


SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

This community forum is populated by Smarty customers like you and I.

For this issue, you would need to start a webchat with Smarty, to discuss the opening of the ports you mention above.

SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

Are you using a data only SIM plan with your Hive device @Christop_934190

Anyway, just a note to alert you that SMARTY's terms & conditions have a clause about NOT using mobile broadband as a long term substitute for fixed line broadband - section 5.15 and 5.16. 

I wouldn't have thought TCP port 123 and port 443 are blocked - but, the web chat team should be able to assist and investigate further regarding port 5671.