07-14-2024 09:06 AM
I want to deactivate a sim that hasn’t arrived and activate a sim that I have.
07-14-2024 09:15 AM
SIM cards are not sent activated. How long have you been waiting?
07-14-2024 10:19 AM
Thanks for reply. I activated thinking it would be here before I left. I ordered it Thursday/ Friday and activated it yesterday. I leave on a ferry tonight. I have another sim on me which I want to swap for the one that hasn’t arrived.
07-14-2024 12:08 PM
Why did you activate it before you received it? You will need to speak to SMARTY customer support but I reckon you got next to no chance getting this resolved before you leave. 😐
07-14-2024 12:47 PM
@ChrisGow_561540 Pay to activate new sim and then claim refund within 14 days on old one that was not used?