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Coverage in Cities really difficult.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

I have had Smarty for a few months.   I have noticed in busy places the signal often appears to be there but doesn’t allow access.   So in London you can call up maps - GOS will find you but no streets.    People I am with have 4G _ I have nothing or one bar that cannot load a map.   


The 4 main mobile network operators in the UK use different parts of the radio spectrum allocated for mobile networks. Some frequencies penetrate buildings better than others, and the proximity of the signal source has a bearing on reception as well.

At any given location, there's no guarantee that each of mobile network operators will deliver the same signal strength, which maybe why your friends aren't affected to the same extent as you, @Dominic_1770810.

Three UK (SMARTY Mobile's parent and owner) have an active bandwidth management policy. Three say it's designed to ensure whenever there's congestion or network issues, they'll manipulate their mobile data network in order keep things running as smoothly as possible. However, if bandwidth is limited and there are many, many concurrent users, things will slow down, despite active network management.

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Does this happen in multiple places or just in one place e.g. home or office?

With large buildings in big cities, there are often 'dead' spots where signal does not penetrate. Worth checking if others in the building experience the same problem.

It happens in many places.  My friends on other networks are not impacted.  I think I might need to change networks as I dont think you understand or can be reading the issue.  Buildings impact everyone not just Smarty surely ! 

The 4 main mobile network operators in the UK use different parts of the radio spectrum allocated for mobile networks. Some frequencies penetrate buildings better than others, and the proximity of the signal source has a bearing on reception as well.

At any given location, there's no guarantee that each of mobile network operators will deliver the same signal strength, which maybe why your friends aren't affected to the same extent as you, @Dominic_1770810.

Three UK (SMARTY Mobile's parent and owner) have an active bandwidth management policy. Three say it's designed to ensure whenever there's congestion or network issues, they'll manipulate their mobile data network in order keep things running as smoothly as possible. However, if bandwidth is limited and there are many, many concurrent users, things will slow down, despite active network management.

Thank you for this considered answer.  

Quite so, but it may depend upon where the relevant mast is therefore some people may not be similarly affected.

Bear in mind as well, that none of on this forum work for Smarty, we are customers just like you.

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

Yea, I have found that data doesn’t always work when on 4G, with signal. I think it’s congestion and hopefully Three get it sorted before they switch off 3G otherwise it will affect our ability to make and receive calls.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I also have this problem. Recently on a number of different days in Mayfair, Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, all in Central London - I was unable to connect to mobile data even outdoors. I had a full 4G signal, calls and texts were fine but no data. An exclamation mark appears on the phone signal indicator when this happens. It was very frustrating as I was trying to meet up with friends who were sending me WhatsApp messages to tell me where they were, and I could not receive them. Also I was unable to search on Google Maps. Admittedly I was in a very busy area but it does seem to be related to Three prioritising other connections over mine.

@MarinaJo_200901 While I have no evidence, it wouldn't surprise me if Three prioritised their own customers over other e.g. Smarty customers, EU people roaming in UK etc.

I've experienced a similar issue, particularly in Central London (Mayfair). I was also unable to receive calls and text messages, which was very frustrating. If there is no coverage in a major city like London, I am seriously considering switching provider

@Elle_256484  Maybe down to congestion in Three network?

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I have had this issue on my last 2 trips to London and also in Basingstoke, super annoying when trying to navigate using maps.

I also found myself in a restaurant and unable to buy lunch using their QR code ordering system which was a pain


@ShaunDon_401562 If this is not a permanent thing, then it may be simply down to congestion on the mast. This is more likely in a city I would think.

Yep probably! Annoying that it only appears to be a problem with the Three network thanks to their data management, my work phone on Vodafone had no issues and my friends both on O2 were fine 

SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

Shane we can’t seem to post pictures any more. 

Did a Speedtest yesterday, as someone on the Bristol subreddit claimed that three / smarty was sh** everywhere in Bristol, so I did a Speedtest, got 639 mbps, and posted the video. Didn’t get a response 😂

@JJP2RidesAgain  I think that my learned colleague may have slightly misunderstood one of the basics.

A response is unlikely to be forthcoming if you post something positive that otherwise is at odds with accusations made by an OP. If it is forthcoming, then it is likely to accuse you of working for the company anyway.....and who asked you anyway bleep bleep bleep. 🙄

Oh absolutely ! 

Same here of course - There are times I think that some people should be sticking to two tin cabs and a piece of string or a fisher price child’s toy phone ! 

People are attracted by Smarty’s low price, but expect it to work like Musk’s “Starlink”, seemingly having no idea that Three has the smallest footprint of networks, certainly overseas when roaming, as its coverage is dwarfed by Telefonica O2, Vodafone, and Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile. 

If I had a job that required frequent travel or was independently wealthy enough to travel extensively, I probably wouldn’t use Smarty. Even the travel eSIM that I used would probably re Red Bull’s, more expensive than others, but supposedly very good and the same service offered to their F1 teams, football clubs, speedway riders, etc. 

Smarty is a great value for money service, it’s a reliable Ford Fiesta, not the Ferrari that some people expect it to be, after paying for the Fiesta !