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[Announcement] BIG NEWS: You can now text shortcodes! 🎉

SMARTY Community Manager SMARTY Community Manager
SMARTY Community Manager



Yes, we heard you loud and clear—it’s been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over...SMARTY now supports shortcode messaging. 

So, what’s the big deal with shortcodes?  

They’re those snappy little numbers (3-6 digits, usually five) that let you: 

✔️ Enter epic competitions  
✔️ Vote for your favourite reality TV stars  
✔️ Confirm important appointments  
✔️ Donate to causes that matter  
...and much more. 

Heads up! Chargeable shortcodes aren’t included in your plan, so you’ll need an out-of-plan add-on to text them. 

If your shortcode is free, such as to confirm a doctor’s appointment, text away.    

Not sure how much a chargeable shortcode costs? No worries! We’ve built a super-handy shortcode checker so you can see the details upfront. 

For all the nitty-gritty, check out our help article 

And as always, thanks for keeping us on our toes with your awesome feedback—we’re here to make your life easier. 

Now go forth and text wisely! 

473 REPLIES 473

@Swarming1095  The good thing about being a Smarty customer is that you are not 'trapped' in a long contract but can leave easily at the end of any plan.

For those who find that they cannot do without a certain feature, they are free to move to a network that offers it. As I have mentioned previously (in other posts), there are a large number of customers (me included) for whom these features do not represent a deal breaker.

Obviously, if I suddenly found myself needing to be able to send texts to short code numbers, I would have to think again.

Well this wasnt what I was hoping for on Smarty. I guess its truly a low-cost "no frills" service if they dont even offer short code texts. To think they could easily resolve this and probably not lose customers over it? Or maybe they are not bothered since they are part of a much larger 3 network? Who knows!    I was going to put 3 other family members on Smarty but definitely rethinking that one now. Might look at Voxi since they do allow short code messages I believe.... 

This is a very simple service that should be available as standard, more and more vital services require the use of these short code messages. Smarty maybe a cheap service to use but if it doesn't have everything you've wasted the amount you spent anyway.

It's like getting a bargain on something that's broken!

There is a clear ongoing demand for this service, a good business/provider knows when to 'up its game' and stay competitive with it's rivals, weather it be a change to cost or service. 

Just adding my frustration with this too! 3 support short codes (I was with them for a while) so even if you have to prepay for premium texts it shouldn't be so hard.

I totally agree should be able to use premium numbers it's ridiculous 

i just switched from giffgaff who do this and i am now going to go back there what a joke is this company stuck in the past? bye bye smarty

Can I ask if this has been rectified yet? 

Am I going to need to get a separate phone, and service provider to enter competitions?

In advance. I'd quite happily buy the credit I'm going to need for entering competitons and do it that way

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick



just saw the post dated 17.03.24, cheers

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

'at some point' ... is  bit vague still.

what's the holdup? it's been going on for a longtime now. what's the reason for the delay?

This is ridiculous, just joined and now can’t reply to my bank… It’s 2024 Smarty come on! I even added £10 to my account assuming this would sort it, but no!

Well as a new user I've come here to figure out why I can't use short codes after topping up my account with out of deal top up thing to realise it was a compete waste of money. If they are going to allow them at least make it obvious so people don't waste money unnecessarily. Tbh I was about to move my other half and kids over to smarty, but with this basic feature missing I might have to head back to giff gaff unless the is a fix close.

@Origin  There are a huge number of posts on this very point.

for reasons best known to themselves (possibly financial?) Smarty are not supporting short codes.

I've just done the exact same thing. The out of deal top up blurb makes it seem like that will solve the problem. 


It's absolutely unbelievable that we can't do on smarty something we could do back when my phone took AA batteries (1996)....

At least we can convert it into account credit, so next month's DD will be £10 less..


Another mug here. Just tried to enter greatest hits radio competition, failed, aades out of plan credit, failed again.

Joined smarty with three family members last month. Will be leaving this month.

Great service…….apart from restriction on entering daft competitions. 

Has anything changed? Is there a way we can send text to premium rate numbers?

@LalitaD_1801617  As per my reply to your other post, the situation has not changed yet.

I changed from GiffGaff which doesn't have this problem . I may well go back to them if this isn't addressed shortly.

@Brian_1950 It certainly hasn't been addressed despite many complaint over the last couple of years and so I don't really see it happening any time soon. That said, it would be nice to get a surprise 😳

I am also disappointed and may need to change to another provider because of this issue, my diabetes nurse wanted to set up a text reminder using 85025 for me to send my blood pressure readings to her twice a day but I can’t reply to her due to this situation with smarty. 

@Buckbam Are you sure that you cannot receive the reminder text?

If Smarty did introduce the system, would they be included in a Smarty plan? If not, would you pay to send a text twice a day?

How does your diabetes nurse deal with patients who cannot manage. or don't have, a mobile phone?

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

Hi yes I can receive the messages but can't reply with my BP readings, I have to write them down and give them to her at next appointment. 

If I could send readings she can monitor BP better. 



@Buckbam  Yes, but if you have a record of those readings, you can monitor them yourself; I assume that the nurse gave you the ideal levels she is hoping to see.

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

You are missing  the point my BP is high and was needing to be monitored daily so sending them to her via short messages was quicker but not with smarty, 

@Buckbam  Which brings us back to the question of how does she deal with this when a patient either does not have a mobile phone or else cannot use one to text? Perhaps she can arrange for you to phone and leave details of your readings.

Before you come back on this, I know it's not what you want but at least it's a way getting around the problem without further raising your BP.

We can only assume that there is some cost involved in Smarty supporting short code texts and that they are not seeing enough people leave to justify paying the necessary costs to keep them as customers..

Some short codes are free but they still won't work on smarty!? At least they could allow the free ones !

@Betty_Swollox I think it's a question of either supporting the short code text system or not, rather than selective bits of it.

Hi smarty is definitely a no frills network 

Where you get a basic service for a low price 

I guess it's what the customer needs that makes the choice for us 

Low price = low service 

I do hope smarty adds short code number texting soon as many people require it for daily use (replying to a GP example)

Come on smarty

When will these short numbers starting 80 be available?

I urgently need them for UK Power Networks and NHS contacts.

It's a deal breaker to find this is not available  - I feel duped.

Please advise if there's a workaround.

Tks All

@JasMac We are forum members like you and so do not have an answer.

There is no workaround that I am aware of - other than moving networks if it's a deal-breaker.

I just hit another problem with shortcodes today - Barclaycard now uses shortcodes to ask you to confirm transactions (and you can't ask to do it via their app)  - I couldn't reply and spent 30 mins on app and phone trying to approve the transactions  - so will have to change to another provider 

@Brian_1987743 As I'm sure you now realise, Smarty do not support the whole short code system (except for one or two exceptions i.e. PAC, STAC)

If it is going to be important for you, unfortunately you will need to change to another network.

yes I'll have to change, as Barclaycard now use short codes to validate some transactions, and not being able to do that is very time consuming  - sorry to have to chnage, I liked Smarty & they have been talking about allowing shortcodes from nearly 2 years ago 

It’s 2025 and STILL no progress on this! what is going on Smarty?

@TimMcDo_1328875  Many members here have asked that question on many occasions.

To date there has been no reply other than the standard "we're considering it".

If it is a deal-breaker then members will really need to change networks. If Smarty lose sufficient business, any drop in the profit line of the accounts may prompt a rapid rethink.

I think the evidence is that Smarty have no intention of providing short form text service. The fact that they no longer reply to comments is indicative that the Smarty business will simply be folded into Voxi or Vodafone once the 3 Business has been assimilated by Vodafone UK over the coming months.

@AndrewT_1896481 You may well have a point there. On the other hand, the business may continue as it is - hard to tell at the minute. If that were the case, then Voda/Voxi or whatever would need to consider changing things for over a million customers suddenly.

I think the system and product change freeze with the short code texts tells you just how it's going to go. But let's watch this space. 😁

@AndrewT_1896481  The short code issue pre-exists any talk of the takeover I believe.

The issue came up in early 2023 to my certain knowledge - and probably well before that.

I receive txt messages following hospital appointments when they txt for me asses their service I'm unable to send my response even though the message says it is a free service Smarty does not let me reply. What must I do to fix this situation?

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