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two sims paid from one account

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I pay two  monthly payments from my credit card for my wife and I.  How do I move one of these payments to a separate payment plan whilst retaining both numbers


SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

It may not be possible if your wife doesn't have her own SMARTY online account @RobertT_1597062

I think separate payment methods for group members is only possible if the group members have their own SMARTY logins.


SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator


Hi @RobertT_1597062 

Thank you for using the SMARTY community! 

You will need to log into the group owners account (If you have a group set up) or log into each account separately to change the payment methods. 

If you would like to change the SIM plan to a different promotion, you need to log into the individual account and request a plan change for your next renewal date. 

If you require additional support, please reach out to our webchat team for more information -

I hope this helps!