07-29-2024 09:39 PM
Looking at the T & C’s for Smarty’s Social Tariff it doesn’t seem to include PIP, or Personal Independence Payment 😔
By comparison, Voxi does ..
Perhaps consideration should be given to including the above ?
07-30-2024 08:42 AM
@Studley Looking at point 5.29 of the T&C's, this shows income-related benefits.
The Social Tariff was, I believe, introduced for those who specifically had a low income and yet might need internet access for things like keeping in touch with DWP or job searching.
PIP is not an income-related benefit and so those who do not also receive an income-related benefit will not be eligible.
Voxi - I'll just say one thing.....they started by only being available to customers under 30 years old.....got that wrong, didn't they?!