21-02-2023 16:48 PM
My Smarty account expired. I'm considering re-joining. It seems as though my original SIM is de-activated.
Do I have to get a new Sim or can existing one be re-activated?
03-03-2023 16:12 PM
This is covered in the t&c's: https://cdn.smarty.co.uk/files/SMARTY-Terms-And-Conditions.pdf?_gl=1*mcfrvx*_ga*NDQ3NjAxODQyLjE2NzY5....
In particular, please see sections 9 and 10
03-03-2023 16:40 PM
No @willbroo_225769, SMARTY can't (or possibly won't) reactivate an inactive SIM card.
To use SMARTY Mobile again, order a new SIM card.