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Sim activation

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I've bought a 2GB data only chip for a 4GLTE MIFI ROUTER activated it today, Smarty wanted to send me a verification code to prove its me, they said they sent a code to a 44.........71 which is not my phone no as I'm with vodafone, I asked to resend code via my email which is correct upon imputting code it rejects it after 4 attempts I gave up, any ideas thanks in advance.


SMARTY Centurion
SMARTY Centurion

@Alan-snips I'm not sure why the website would be rejecting the code it sent you by email, but presumably the mobile number Smarty were sending the code to was the data SIM's mobile number. Your MiFi router probably has a facility for you to view any SMS messages it's received, either through a companion app, a built-in display or a web interface.

SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hi @Alan-snips you will need to ensure that you are opening the code being sent to your email in a different application/device from the one that you are trying to log into SMARTY from. Any time you exit the SMARTY log in page where you've requested the code, it will reset it again therefore, making the code you just requested invalid.