โ05-30-2024 11:08 AM
Hi All,
I've just come back from Spain, my Roaming worked fine apart from Calls to UK Landlines and Mobiles. What seems strange is on a recent trip to Poland with the same phone, SIM etc everything worked fine.
Please could anyone advise why this may have happened, I travel back to Spain in a few weeks so would like to make sure the calls will work this time.
Data - worked fine
Texts - worked fine
Calls to Spain Landlines - worked fine
Incoming Calls - worked fine
Outgoing Calls to UK Landlines & Mobiles - Not working
โ05-30-2024 11:21 AM
@AprilTa_2240679 Hard to say why this should happen. Possibly issue with a local mast?
If it does happen again, worth changing your phone's Network Selection to manual and then trying each in turn until you get the best network. In Spain, Movistar is very popular and generally has good coverage.
โ06-02-2024 05:09 PM
Your suggestion works. Happened to my wife's phone. She could receive but not make calls in Spain. We are both on smarty but mine worked fine. We exchanged Sims and hers failed to work in a Samsung Huawei and Xiaomi. Manually selected movistar on her network and problem resolved. Strange thing is mine is still on the auto network selection of yoigo and works perfectly.
โ06-02-2024 05:30 PM
@SusanAt_1879040 Good news! Who knows why these things happen! Maybe the local mast was congested at the time? I think that the EU networks probably give priority to their own customers (quite rightly in my opinion) and so maybe we are lower down the food chain when they re busy.
โ05-30-2024 02:06 PM
Did you replace the first 0 with 0044 when trying to call? The network may not have know you were trying to call the UK especially if calls worked to local numbers.
โ05-30-2024 02:21 PM
@AndrewM_2156786 Would that explain how calls were possible from Poland to UK?
โ06-02-2024 05:13 PM
Your suggestion works. Happened to my wife's phone. She could receive but not make calls in Spain. We are both on smarty but mine worked fine. We exchanged Sims and hers failed to work in a Samsung Huawei and Xiaomi. Manually selected movistar on her network and problem resolved. Strange thing is mine is still on the auto network selection of yoigo and works perfectly.