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Mifi / Smarty SIM planning

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I'm a noob in the Smarty community, so please excuse my inexperience! 

I have a month gap between broadband providers. I have Airbnb guests staying in this period, so I have to find an interim solution for them to freely access internet for work, access to the smart TV, etc. 

Would a Mifi device like this: be compatible with the UNLIMITED DATA SIM (just ordered) and provide seamless access to the internet?




@permaculture  A couple of potential issues here.

1. Have you checked network coverage to see if Smarty signal is strong in your area?

2. You may not be able to rely on seamless access to the internet - mobile signals are not always steady and, if your guests have a few devices, the signal may not be sufficient for all of them at once. (This is why Smarty do make a point of saying that mobile data is not a replacement for full home broadband I think.) 

SMARTY Pro-coach
SMARTY Pro-coach

@MSF is spot on with his comments. 

Also, I wonder if you really need to do this ? Whenever I stay anywhere, be it a hotel, AirBnB or Vrbo, etc I always make my own arrangements for mobile data connectivity, even overseas, and I doubt I am the only one. 

Probably worth you contacting your guests to explain the situation and advise that they will need to make their own arrangements. In reality, their current mobile data contracts will more than likely suffice and also save you the expense of buying a router that will probably be used just for one month.


@permaculture  Just to far as the smart TV is concerned, if you can supply your guests with a half-decent TV that has the standard terrestrial offering of channels, then I think they will be well off.

If they are Brits, this should be what they are used to. If they are from overseas, they would be fairly unlikely to come across many channels in their own language anywhere (other than in adjacent countries). I have been in heaven just getting BBC World on many of the trips that I've made overseas!!!

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Thanks all for the responses. The guests are all young, English-speaking, and will be WFH whilst here, so have specifically highlighted that sort of WiFi support is necessary. Doubtless fibre broadband would be preferable and more stable, but this is the situation I'm in. 

To address my original point, do you think that would a Mifi of that model be compatible with a Smarty SIM? 

Check the coverage in central London, which should be good, but check it nonetheless.

That router should do the job, but the caveat is how many people will be working within your AirBnB ? 2 potential issues there :

1, The number of devices that can connect to the device you have highlighted. 

2, How many guests will you have ? It may well put a strain on that bandwidth available, meaning each individual could potentially have a barely usable connection. 

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Also, I'm based in central London so Smarty should have as good coverage here as anywhere!