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Issues connecting to AWS over Smarty

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick

Android developer working on a mobile App.

When connecting to Amazon Web Services Cognito Credentials Provider over the Smarty Network I get the following error:

Caused by: Unable to execute HTTP request: Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname

Which indicates that there is an issue on Smarty network with the DNS record for AWS. The code works fine on Wifi, just not on mobile data with Smarty. AWS is a key building block of mobile apps and I can't understand why there would be an issue on Smarty. Unfortunately, Smarty Support don't have any contacts for their back-end tech support guys so it is impossible to talk to anyone who may actually understand the issue, or offer any kind of solution


SMARTY Motivator
SMARTY Motivator

Hi @ipc-42,

This may not be the answer you want, but have you tried using you phone to be a hotspot for another device you have, that can be used for your work?

Thanks Steven

That has actually helped. I was running the test app in emulator on a dev machine hot-spotted to my phone. After your comment I just ran the test app on the actual phone and it does not produce the error.
