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I'm with Smarty, hubby is with 3. I have consistently poor signal, he has consistently good signal.


I have been with Smarty for a good year now but have always had terrible signal indoors and out. I also have a dual sim phone, both Smarty, a sim for personal use and one for work. I pretty much just get 1 or 2 bars of signal if I'm lucky. 

I really wanted to stick with them mainly due to tariff price and inclusion of MMS messaging. However, I can't understand how me and my hubby are on the same network but have completely opposite level of signal. And I have tried everything!

We moved last year. Nothing changed, ie my signal is still bad and hubby's is still good. I have tried several different phones, nothing has changed. I ended up buying a Samsung S23 this year and neither sim still barely ever have signal.

I think I will have to change networks as phonecalls are becoming painful. I know Smarty is piggybacking off 3 and I know there shouldn't be a difference in signal, whether you are with Smarty or 3 but there clearly is. Baffled and frustrated! 



@TruffleShuffle Unfortunately, a number of other Samsung dual sim phone-owners have reported something similar.

I do not recall seeing any definitive solution or reason here.

Strange I haven't, could your provide links. I see plenty regarding this problem mostly a mix iPhone and Samsung excellent on three terrible on smarty.


I haven't had the dual sim long but was using a single sim phone for the majority of the time before that and had exactly the same issues. I don't feel it is a dual sim issue for me but just an overall Smarty issue! Strange...

@TruffleShuffle Oh dear! From comments we see here, I'm not sure that the 3 signal and smarty signal are exactly identical.

It may well be that 3 get preferential treatment on the network . To be fair, they probably pay a lot more for that privilege.

I think with all mobile networks there is no 'one-size fits all'. I consider myself lucky that smarty meets my needs at a great price.

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

I recently moved from 3 to Smarty. I never had a significant signal problem in 23 years with 3. Since I have been with smarty I have seldom had more than 1-2 bars. Same phone(s) same locations. Checked the apn entries all 'OK' (according to smarty). The only difference is the sim card.

As I type this I have zero signal (a common occurrence) in a location where with 3 I always had more than 3 bars.

It is patently obvious that Smarty customers get a degraded service on the 3 network. In my opinion this amounts to false advertising even though their wording may not be an actual outright lie it is obviously designed to give a very false impression.


Research I have conducted and other comments online are suggesting that certain 4g frequencies are not supported on smarty. These are the backbone frequencies that are long reaching and good speeds. This shows as nearly always at 4gplus with half mb to 10mb been a familiar occurrence on smarty.