03-01-2024 09:07 AM
I need to call a customer service centre with a 00800 number but phone won't allow it. How do I enable this. Thanks
03-01-2024 09:34 AM
@DafyddJ_1925214 I think you should check that the number is UK based.
You can call 0800 numbers within a Smarty plan.
A Google search suggests to me that the 00800 is an International freephone number - effectively it is +800. Your plan would not cover that as far as I can see.
If you check out the Price Guide: https://cdn.smarty.co.uk/files/SMARTY-Price-Guide.pdf?_gl=1*g10x74*_ga*OTk5NjkyODY3LjE3MDE5NjY1NDU.*... that type of number does not show as a freebie.
03-01-2024 12:23 PM
You typed the number in the international format… Are you trying to call it while roaming abroad? If so, freephone numbers cannot be dialled from overseas.