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Sony Xperia APN help

SMARTY Maverick
SMARTY Maverick


Anyone here use a Sony Xperia handset?

I've tried changing the APN settings on an Xperia 5 IV as per the Smarty instructions but they are not accepted. I am assuming it's because the APN type cannot be blank as per the instruction. I can leave it as it is but I'm sure that I should be


SMARTY Centurion
SMARTY Centurion

APN type should be: default,supl,mms,xcap

Oh thanks for that. Not sure why the Xperia instructions state it should be blank then 

Also, to check, should I change the MVNO type to be 0307 instead of the default 0309?

Seems fine using the default settings tbh, but the instructions state to change them for Xperia....not sure why.


@BillTur_1797604 wrote:
should I change the MVNO type to be 0307 instead of the default 0309?

Nope. ๐Ÿ‘

Ok thanks for that, I will leave everything as default then.

Not sure as to why Smarty are stating that it needs to be changed on Xperia phones ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

The Smarty instructions are confusing. I have a Google Pixel 6a and Smarty say to leave the APN type field blank but my phone won't allow this, but I can enter default. Smarty support weren't sure why and couldn't troubleshoot it. I will just see if it works abroad.

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