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Re-open closed account/add SIM to an existing group

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer


I am the group owner for SIMs for my wife and 2 children but I ported my number away from Smarty 12 months ago.  I can still access the group and manage their payments, but I'd now like to add a data SIM for me.

I understand that I can't re-open my closed account but I could activaye the SIM using a different email address.  Can I then add this to my group though, as the option to add another SIM is greyed out?



SMARTY Moderator SMARTY Moderator
SMARTY Moderator

Hey 👋 

You can set up the sim separately, then sent the group invitation to the data sim. Have a read of this article

Hopefully this helps! 


Thanks for the reply, but my (dormant) account won't let me send a group invitation - The option is greyed out.

Perhaps I need to open another account for the data SIM, remove the numbers from my existing group and then create a new group?

hey  PeterWat

This is an option but I'm concerned that you are not begin given the option to invite it to an existing group, It would be best if you contacted our customer service chat and we can make sure that this account is as it should be and one of our advisors will be more than happy to help. Available daily from 8am – 8pm


I'm having a similar problem (was on Smarty years ago, left, came back, started a group but now can't add to it). Did this ever get fixed?




Bună seara mă poate ajuta careva aș dori să-mi redeschid contul 

@VIORELS_1443547 As I mentioned on your other post, most members here speak English and so writing in another language is not helpful.

You can't currently reopen an old SMARTY account, @VIORELS_1443547

Once an account's been closed by SMARTY, it's gone.

@Chalkychap Is that definitely what was being asked? I certainly didn't know what language it was written in and wasn't about top research it.

SMARTY Trendsetter
SMARTY Trendsetter

Well @MSF, not sure you can ever be entirely confident of always comprehending questions here, even when written in 'English'. 

Perhaps this is an unavoidable hazard with online exchanges.