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Access to overseas dialling and be able to enter competitions

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Hi all

im new to Smarty and would like to set up my plan so I can dial overseas numbers on the odd occasion and also enter competitions on to. 
Any ideas how I do that please?

thanks in advance



Making International calls requires credit to be added to your account first.

The cost of the calls is covered in the Price Guide: . Countries are put into bands and the cost varies according to the band - pages 21 & 22 cover this.

Entering competitions - this depends upon the type of number. If it is an 084x or 087x number this will also require credit on your account - see p9 of the Price Guide. If it is a 5-digit number then smarty currently do not support such calls.

Hope this makes it clearer.

Reading the terms I have a  12gb and unlimited calls plan and can't see why I am restricted from calling an EU number from home. I shall be traveling in EU and believe I can use phone when  in say France to call another French no, is this correct please.

@SimonSi_1776791  When in the UK and trying to make a call to a number registered outside the UK, that counts as an international call and needs credit to pay for it. When your are in the EU, you are roaming and that has a slightly different set of rules.

When you are in the EU,although you can call anywhere else in the EU without charge, a call to countries outside the EU will incur a charge - again, this is in the Price Guide - please see third vertical column on p20