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My experience

SMARTY Pioneer
SMARTY Pioneer

Hello all,

After spending time Googling how Smarty is in 2025 I found mostly older posts or random experiences that didn't quite match my own. 

I joined Smarty over a year ago and the only reason I left was because I couldn't change my billing date.. 

After rejoining and activating on the day I need, I must say it's been a very positive experience for the following reasons...

Roaming - I used Smarty in Portugal and it didn't skip a beat. (WhatsApp, calls, Google maps, hot spot, uber). 

Speed tests - Wales, Coleshill, Solihull, Sutton Coldfield. All great and much faster than my previous supplier (EE).

Porting - I left EE to join Smarty, entered my PAC code Sunday and it was finished by Tuesday (today).

Customer service - Advisor activated an old unused SIM I'd held on to, no problem. 

App - Very clean and easy to use. 

Reason I left EE was due to how poorly I was treated from beginning to end. 

So, thank you Smarty for giving me an escape route and providing great service.
