In the App. which is obviously handy to chuck your data, I was wondering if an increase in the figure size - indicating how much is left.. can be sorted?
So I was on 60gb a month, but I noticed it was reducing astoundingly fast over about 3 months, so now I'm on 100gb for 12 quid, I feel 3/Smarty have screwed with the variable/algorithm to get the more cash imo..
Downdetector is reporting 3 is down... So I think that'll be nationally tho have still got data 樂 started about 1.30pm can't upload a picture on here the mobile community site
Because some just don't want have to access it to listen to any, I can see their point most communication is WhatsApp or such like or calls nowadays anyhow tho I have had a robo-call, (automatic voice call) go on soo long they've gone into the voicem...
So I left myself a sample v.msg and I didn't get any notification with text off - I'm on android...I've had phones in the passed and a little graphic (2 circles joined in the middle) will be displayed in the top-left corner but this is new, nothing i...